Sunday, February 14, 2016

Dara Lind — Read Justice Ginsburg’s moving tribute to her “best buddy” Justice Scalia

Respect versus reality show. The American public likes a reality show, so that's what they get.

Read Justice Ginsburg’s moving tribute to her “best buddy” Justice Scalia


Malmo's Ghost said...

lol. The court has been politicized to the nth degree by both parties. It's essentially a political institution now and as such should not subvert democracy except in extraordinary instance. The rules for confirmation are transient, and tradition therein be damned.

Matt Franko said...

"No lame duck Pres. in an election year has ever replaced an opposition party Sup Ct justice over the objection of an opposition party Senate"


Trump could offer his pick to the Evangelicals for their support... not his bag anyway imo wouldnt be giving up anything...

Malmo's Ghost said...


Unless Obama makes a recess appt, there will be no ninth justice until sometime in 2017. And anyways I'm sick and tired of government by judiciary and so should so called democracy loving Democrats.

Tom Hickey said...

If SCOTUS is to be politicized, which it manifestly is now, the justices should stand for election for set terms, say six years and only be able to serve twice. Probably a good idea for all judges.

Malmo's Ghost said...

Tom, you nailed it!