Wednesday, February 10, 2016

George Soros — Putin is No Ally Against ISIS

Soros talking his book. He blames the world's problems on "Putin." It's "Putin" that's causing the crisis in Europe, rather than the folly of European elites.

The economists at Soros-sponsored Institute for New Economic Thinking should have not have joined, or should have resigned long ago. This man has no one's interests in mind other than his own.  He is a danger to the world. The recent behavior of Soros makes it even more imperative that these economists resign immediately. Silence is consent.
George Soros


Matt Franko said...

180 opposite Trump....

MRW said...

Every week, Stephen Cohen has an hour on the John Batchelor Show (a five-hour show every night out of NYC). Cohen is a Russia expert. It's every Tuesday night. Here is last night's show. Cohen is the third hour. Batchelor gives notes for the hour and divides them into "blocks" on the homepage for the shows. The last block speaks to the horseshit Soros is serving up. (The show has Henry Kissinger in the title)

Cohen is excellent, imo. In the last block, he says leadership was invented for a purpose: to do what is not easy to do, and to see farther than the rest of us see. He says we have no leaders in this country. He quoted Churchill, who said politicians think about today; statesmen think about tomorrow. Cohen says Putin is *thee* consequential statesman in the world today, the only one. I agree.

If you listen to the entire show, Cohen's POV on Syria is the same as Colonel Pat Lang's excellent but brief commentary on what Russia is doing in Syria ( Lang chooses a couple of news articles, then writes a paragraph explaining it in logistical and tactical terms for the hoi polloi. As he wrote last week, in military terms, whoever wins on the battlefield sets the terms for negotiations, and Russia is winning on the ground in Syria against ISIS with superior military skill. Not the US.

Ignacio said...

How old is Soros? How is this man does not retire already and leave the rest of the world live in peace?

Matt Franko said...

Not to mention he is also responsible for Jimmy Rogers...

Peter Pan said...

Soros is a billionaire. He must be really smart. Just like Trump.