Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Syria: The West has really screwed up: "It has been a spectacular failure." Anna Trechsel interviews Joshua Landis

This is a concise review of the situation with respect to Syria and MENA to some degree over the past fifteen years since the US entered the picture by a US expert in Syria. Excellent backgrounder.
"Over the last 15 years the West has been trying to bring democracy to the Near East. …But bringing in democracy by force of arms doesn't work. The attempts of the US to bring on regime change have led to the collapse of countries and the nourishing of extremist Islamic groups."
Fort Russ
Syria: The West has really screwed up: "It has been a spectacular failure."
Anna Trechsel interview Joshua Landis for Neue Zürcher Zeitung am Sonntag
Translated from German by Tom Winter
Joshua M. Landis is Associate Professor and Director of the Center for Middle East Studies at the University of Oklahoma. He is a member of the Department of International and Area Studies in the College of International Studies. He is also the President of the Syrian Studies Association.


Random said...

Neil has put up a new post. Sneaky peek

"If you take a bank purchasing shares from a entity that is also a deposit customer then what happens is simply this:


That's why banks are desperate to be 'universal' banks (combined commercial and investment banks). It saves the investment part all that messing around with external overdrafts and oversight. When universal banks talk about matching deposits to risk assets, this is what they mean.

So if banks can work such magic what stops banks owning everything?


Peter Pan said...

The more the West screws up, the more Muslims die.