Monday, February 8, 2016

Why Economists Don’t Know How to Think About Growth — Eric Michael Johnson interviews Fritjof Capra

Quantitative versus qualitative, physics versus biology, market system versus welfare system, growth versus harmony and balance, and unsustainability versus sustainability.

Why Economists Don’t Know How to Think About Growth
Eric Michael Johnson interviews Fritjof Capra


Random said...

"The employment-to-population ratio is currently the most reliable component of the Employment Report, and it continued its recent march higher. Admittedly, it is not a perfect indicator of the labour utilisation (part-time versus full-time, etc.), but it indicates that the economy is creating slightly more jobs than the growth of the population."

Drop seems small:

"There is certainly a sectoral recession in place. The chart above shows employment in the Oil and Gas industry, based on the Establishment Survey. It is falling, but note the scale. The number of job losses so far was 16,000, which is largely insignificant within the context of the U.S. economy. Yes, those are high-paying jobs, and there is a "multiplier effect" on other sectors like capital goods. Nevertheless, this sectoral recession has been in place for some time, yet the economy is still slowly growing."

Dan Lynch said...

Eric Johnson is an interesting thinker in his own right.