Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Patrick Cockburn — Donald Trump's election proves the high days of liberal capitalism since the fall of the Soviet Union are finally over

For all his demagoguery, there was a sense that Trump was often nearer to the issues that concerned voters than Hillary Clinton. In the final election rallies of Trump in Michigan and Clinton in North Carolina, he was promising voters the return of factories and well-paid jobs while she was repeating kindergarten waffle such as “love trumps hate” and “build bridges not walls”. He will find it difficult to retreat from these pledges and this is bound to bring confrontation with other trading nations. Overall, the high days of liberal capitalism since the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, which continued despite a battering from the financial crisis of 2008, are finally finished.…
Independent (UK)
Donald Trump's election proves the high days of liberal capitalism since the fall of the Soviet Union are finally over
Patrick Cockburn

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