Thursday, July 4, 2013

Glenn Greenwald: Top Officials Are Lying to Our Faces About Government Spying

Government officials take an oath to uphold the Constitution and not only have not done so, but they also have been caught lying about it. This is at least as bad as Nixon's attempt to cover up Watergate, forcing his resignation, and Clinton was impeached for lying to a grand jury. This is way over the top, much more serious than Nixon and Clinton. Is it time for progressives to consider investigating grounds for impeachment?

Glenn Greenwald: Top Officials Are Lying to Our Faces About Government Spying

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They are lying to our faces about our entire economic system every time they use terms like taxpayer's money funding government spending. The question is which lie is more damaging?

The ones about mostly useless longstanding police state measures in an absurd WOX (war on some extraneous problem) or the foundational taxpayer lie that keeps the system serving the 1% rather than the people?