Saturday, July 6, 2013

Robert Oak — A Detailed Look at the BLS Payrolls Employment Report for June 2013

Bottom line, the employment crisis casts a long shadow for America's workforce and just continues unabated. While with revisions the payrolls report shows much better news, when digging into the details, we find low paying service sector jobs, not the kind which support a healthy middle class. Congress is busy trying to flood the U.S. labor market with more foreign workers via comprehensive immigration reform, more bad trade treaties and draconian budget cuts which will cause more Americans to lose their jobs. For over half a decade this Congress has focused on the wrong things when America is clearly suffering from a lack of good jobs. It is positively despicable to see millions of Americans slip into poverty because they cannot get a decent job and with no policy changes, the terrible conditions for the American worker will continue.
The Economic Populist
A Detailed Look at the BLS Payrolls Employment Report for June 2013
Robert Oak

Obviously, the direct and associated costs of this unnecessary and foolish policy are huge, most of which cannot be recouped and a lot of which will haunt both the economy and the traumatized individuals and families for a lifetime. This is either unconscionable policy (evidence of a broken system) or insanity (a combination of megalomania, narcissism, and sociopathy at the top) and probably a combination of the two.

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