Saturday, May 3, 2014

Sarah Palin, Commediene

"I know the liberals hate it when you start mentioning the Bible," [Sarah Palin] told the pair [Fox and Friends Steve Doocy and Elisabeth Hasselbeck], "but the truth is Jesus fought for the death penalty until the day he died. He was a tireless advocate of being tough on crime and making sure the criminals can't be out there raping and murdering people.
"In ancient Jerusalem crime was rampant. The Romans and their pagan morality wouldn't allow the proper punishment wrongdoers deserve. So Jesus lobbied for capital punishment in order to protect the Christians and the Jews from the Palestinians and other Muslims who were killing people left and right.

"Unfortunately Jesus' ideas were never implemented and the Roman Empire fell as result. But here in America we've always followed Jesus' advice on the death penalty, and that's why we have the lowest crime rate in the world."

The Daily Currant
Sarah Palin: ‘Jesus Fought For Death Penalty Until Day He Died
(h/t Yves Smith at Naked Capitalism)


Anonymous said...

Good God. This bubblehead almost became ice President.

Yeah, I remember that part of the bible where Jesus said, "We need more crucifixions". But the Romans were such softies.

Tom Hickey said...

And the part about the "Muslims." She's only off by about 600 hundred years.

Unknown said...

It is a satire site...she didn't actually say it, although I could imagine her saying it :)

Anonymous said...

Thank the Lord it's a fake.

In other news, The NAACP has decided to give George Zimmerman a lifetime achievement award:

Matt Franko said...

"The Romans and their pagan morality wouldn't allow the proper punishment wrongdoers deserve."

What about the two thieves hanging from poles next to Him?

Looks like it may be fake anyways...

Clonal said...

Matt, the Daily Currant (note the spelling) is a Satire filled site.

Tom Hickey said...

The real humor here is that the reality has become so distorted that it's nearly impossible to distinguish satire from fact — and vice versa.

With Palin just about anything is believable to be coming out of her mouth. But she is hardly alone in that crowd. In fact, she has serious competition.

When I read the news these days, I don't know whether to laugh or cry. It seems to be getting more bizarre every day.

Anonymous said...

Oh thanks. That's a relief.