Monday, December 7, 2015

Remi Piet — Marine Le Pen's victory is a bigger threat than ISIL

For the first time, the extreme-right National Front (FN) party has claimed victory in a national election in France. The first round of the regional elections has left Marine Le Pen's movement as the leading political force in French politics, ahead of the traditional socialist and republican parties.
Qatar freaking over the prospect of a Le Pen victory? Well, they aren't alone. That would be a game-changer.

(Al Jazeera is a Qatari outfit and the article is by a Qatari professor.)

Of course, like everything else wrong with the world, it's all Putin's fault. (He must possesses supernatural powers — read be a front man for Satan.)
The financial sacrifice resulting from the absence of members of parliament and electoral victories - political parties in France receive public funds on the basis of the number of elected members - was swiftly alleviated when the party reportedly received loans from Russian banks earlier this year.
This opportunistic support from Russia raises serious questions about the movement's independence and its vassalage to Russian President Vladimir Putin.…
Then he waxes all liberal.
No doubt, the November 13 attacks in Paris have played a part in the National Front victory. The terrorist actions from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) have been an opportunity for Le Pen to target Muslim minorities and scapegoat a community that is mostly peaceful and respectful of the French Republican values of Freedom, Equality and Solidarity. This is in no way a coincidence.
He doesn't conveniently omits saying that Qatar is not only an Islamist state but also Wahhab-Salafist like Saudi Arabia, and one of places from which support allegedly flows to Sunni fundamentalist jihadis.
While France is ailing and still mourns the attacks against its multicultural society, the Nationa Frontl's victory on Sunday, in the same vein as ISIL terrorist attacks, is another step towards communitarianism and the defeat of a secular and progressive model inherited from the Enlightenment and the philosophical triumph of reason.
This is exactly what Wahhabi-Salafist states like Qatar and Saudi Arabia not only oppose but criminalize.

More hypocrisy.

Then he gets to the point.
Those who prefer favouring short-term electoral interests, such as Nicolas Sarkozy, are the favourite allies of anti-republican forces.
Nicholas Sarkozy — that would be the president of France who engineered the debacle in Libya while in office.

Oh, and it turns out that he wrote a similar op-ed about a year ago.

A defining moment for the French right (15 Jan 2015)
Al Jazeera
Marine Le Pen's victory is a bigger threat than ISIL
Remi Piet | assistant professor of public policy, diplomacy and international political economy at Qatar University


Peter Pan said...

Shooting the messenger. This is an article on France, not Qatar. The same attitude can be found amongst those who would like to get RT banned in the US.

A French police state is a bigger threat than ISIL.

Malmo's Ghost said...

Far right, Le Pen? LOL. On virtually every social and economic issue she's far to the left of most American Democrats.

She's a nationalist. So scary. If you dig down deep in most people walking the planet, so are they.

Ignacio said...

Except for immigration and cultural issues she is more leftists than the socialist party probably yes.

Anyway, there still has to be a second round, but with those participation rates it probably will confirm the results.

The economic far right is represented by the traditional neoliberal parties (conservatives and 'socialists', pro-Frankfurt/Brussels parties).

The age of Central Bankism idolatry and erosion of the institutions by the wealthy may be coming to an end, but the FN still thinks they are 'running out of money', so who knows. Anyway, anything that threatens the status quo is good.

Matt Franko said...

Tom, Libya was in response to their renege on the deal with the release of the PanAm terrorist... you cant renege....

Jake C said...

Marine le Pen wants to allow the bank of france to "finance" deficits at zero% and leave the euro for the franc.-French style OMF.

She wants to reverse the privatisation of public utilities.

full regulation /reform of banking .separation of deposit banking from investment banking.

she anti-troika wary of EU forcing down privatisation.

She's anti austerity.

she would abandon atlanticism +NATO,and pursue a foreign policy that would benefit her citizens (mulit-polarity).she would normalise relations with Russia.

these aren't terrible ideas or positions

Malmo's Ghost said...

Yes, but leftist morons have decided that the singular ideological issue of the moment is encouraging Muslim growth throughout the land vis a vis suicidal immigration policies. This includes the atheistic branch of leftism, which also somehow has developed a new found love for one of the most misogynistic religions on the planet.

Sorry to say, but these modern day liberals are not your grandpa's liberals. This version of libs are simply nuts.

Kristjan said...

"Far right, Le Pen? LOL. On virtually every social and economic issue she's far to the left of most American Democrats.

She's a nationalist. So scary. If you dig down deep in most people walking the planet, so are they."

All nationalist far right parties are economically left. Hitler was an economical lefty.

Ralph Musgrave said...

I always like the way lefties claim to deplore the “far right” but leap to the defence of Islam, which is about ten miles to the right of Le Pen. Evidently being “far right” is a sin if you have a white face, but not if you have a brown face.

Oops: but that’s racism: exactly what lefties claim to oppose.

As Malmo’s Ghost says, lefties are just plain nuts.