Thursday, May 7, 2020

Universal basic income makes people more likely to find work

Following a two year experiment, the results of a new study show just paying people money with no conditions attached makes them more likely to find work than normal benefits do

This article has a more positive take on the Finnish Basic Income experiment. 

The Daily Mirror

Universal basic income makes people more likely to find work


Peter Pan said...

Isn't the premise of UBI is that there isn't enough work for everyone?

Kaivey said...

That's a point. The machines will do most of of the work one day. I think the Fins were hoping it would pay for itself by getting people to work more.

Andrew Anderson said...

Let's please stop conflating work with wage-slavery: the former is GOOD while the later is just another form of slavery.

Or do stay-at-home housewives do no work because they don't have jobs?

Andrew Anderson said...

Whatever the merits of a UBI, ALL fiat creation beyond that created by deficit spending for the general welfare should be via an equal Citizen's Dividend - not via loans and asset buying or swaps by the Central Bank for the benefit of the banks and the rich.

We currently have a fascist system that creates fiat for special interests, not just for the general welfare. And guess what, the MMT School would perpetuate that.

Calgacus said...

Kaivey:The machines will do most of of the work one day

The "one day" is in the past, not the future. They already do and have for over a century. Capitalists understand this. That's what capitalism is. They love such pie in the sky technology will save us fantasies. If it could, it would have long, long ago. The only "save" is for people to actually understand what is going on = MMT.

A UBI, a citizen's dividend tightens the control of capitalists over the machines and everyone else. A JG decisively loosens it.

Peter Pan said...

Well then, we can forget about either initiative coming to fruition.

Status quo Joe is here to stay.