Wednesday, November 24, 2021

China's Tech Regulators Strike Again — Angela Huyue Zhang

When Apple began asking iPhone users whether they wanted to opt out of data tracking, 84% said yes – dealing a major blow to platforms whose business models depend on the collection and sale of user data. This is an ominous sign for Chinese tech companies, which now face the prospect of much tougher data regulations....
China is passing legislation requiring opt-in rather than opt-out. This seriously affects the business model of Internet companies that collect user information and use it commercially. There is no such thing as a free lunch. Users pay with their information. The opt-in rate is far lower than the opt-out.

Project Syndicate
China's Tech Regulators Strike Again by Angela Huyue Zhang
Angela Huyue Zhang, a law professor, is Director of the Center for Chinese Law at the University of Hong Kong

1 comment:

Peter Pan said...

The opt-in and the opt-out-yet-you're-still-in rates are the same.