Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Graber And Wengrow Yet Again — Robert Paul Wolf

Some comments on David Graeber and David Wengrow's The Dawn of Everything: A New History of Humanity. This was Devid Graeber's last book. He since passed away.

Think "economics profession" when reading it. It is a good demonstration of why the historical method is superior to the naturalistic one in social subjects.

The Philosopher's Stone
Robert Paul Wolff | Professor Emeritus, University of Massachusetts Amherst


Marian Ruccius said...

Love the comment, Tom -- sure to make Mr. Franko at the mouth -- because it is true. I don't think the two approaches need necessarily conflict, though!

Tom Hickey said...

I don't think the two approaches need necessarily conflict, though!

I don't think so either. They are complementary. The trick is distinguishing where each applies.

The naturalistic approach is preferable when applicable, but that is not always and everywhere.