Thursday, December 9, 2021

Global economic inequality: what matters most for your living conditions is not who you are, but where you are — Max Roser

Our World in Data
Global economic inequality: what matters most for your living conditions is not who you are, but where you are
Max Roser


Ahmed Fares said...

"Consumption is the sole end and purpose of all production." —Adam Smith

These people are not consuming much in the way of resources, so there is nothing to be gained by taking income away from them. As Neil Wilson says, if you're not taxing to release resources, then you're doing politics, not economics.

Having said that, you should tax the rich to reduce their political power, but still realize that it won't improve the lot of anyone because all you're getting is money, which the government already has.

"Money doesn’t grow on rich people." —Stephanie Kelton

Matt Franko said...

“If we taxed Bill Gates for billions of dollars we all could have clean water” - Bernie Sanders

lastgreek said...

Lot of doctors in Greece. Life expectancy near the top. Still, olive oil production way down this year :(

Also, anyone here need a kickass physics and calculus textbook both for school or just simply for the pleasure of it, I'll be happy to oblige. Remember: forces come in pairs :)

S400 said...

If we taxed Bill Gates for billions of dollars we all could have one shit oracle less to listen to.
Influence is based on wealth.

Peter Pan said...

The Golden Calf has many guises.