Monday, December 6, 2021

Our Rulers Are Not Rational Creatures: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix — Caitlin Johnstone

Caitlin Johnstone covers most of the bases here, but she misses a key point — domestic politics. 

The irrationality of the leadership is compounded by the exigencies of domestic politics, each party perceiving a need to either match or outdo the other on matters of national security, "patriotism" and hewing the line of imposing 18th c. liberalism ("our values") on the world. This is basically ersatz religion, thus the justifying militarism, crusades and endless war, the real motivation of which is empire and global dominance to the point of sociopathy. 

Once the game is in play there is no way to influence it rationally as one party seeks to remain in power and the other to topple the other. This is called "democracy." China has just lambasted this farce in a series of white papers that get it mostly right. Did you hear about that? Not likely.
Our Rulers Are Not Rational Creatures: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix
Caitlin Johnstone


Peter Pan said...

Domestic politics has nothing to do with the items you mentioned. And no, it is not a competition between Democrats and Republicans; that is merely theater.

Geopolitics is not democracy.

Peter Pan said...

Prove to me that global nuclear war would reduce suffering, and I'll support it.

Matt Franko said...

Biden/Dems desperate…. going to wag the dog..,

Matt Franko said...

“ and endless war,”

It’s not “endless war!” … war happens when you Art Degree peoples dialogic method breaks down… if you keep the dialogue going you never get to war…

This was the “Trump Doctrine” ie keep the dialogue going in any way shape or form (he called it ‘negotiation’) and you never get to war…

And then all you anti war people here didn’t support him! 😂. “Orange man bad!” 😂

Now you got your Democrat guy in there I can’t wait till he starts a war I’m going to be laughing right in your faces…

Peter Pan said...

What war?
Ukraine is not part of NATO.