Saturday, January 22, 2022

John Pilger on Ukraine, US tensions with Russia & China: An Enemy is Essential for US & Its Vassals!

A good interview! Ukrain is discussed in the second half. Hitler stormed Russia from the Ukraine border in WW2, which caused around 20 million Russians to lose their lives, so they are rightly concerned about the security of its borders. 

On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to legendary journalist and filmmaker John Pilger. He discusses the scandal surrounding Boris Johnson over Downing Street parties during Coronavirus lockdowns, growing US tension with Russia over Ukraine amid the backdrop of NATO enlargement to Russia’s borders, tensions with China and the West’s need for a perpetual enemy, the continuing persecution of Julian Assange and much more


Nebris said...

Hitler stormed Russia from the Ukraine border in WW2...after Russia divided Poland with the Nazis. Plus there's that whole long Iron Curtain episode as well.

Russia has been an expansionist imperial power since they threw off the Tartar yoke. No reason to think they've changed.

Peter Pan said...

Russia's economic future is tied to Asia; to their former conquerors.

Take away Russia's nuclear deterrent and what do we have?
A jumbo-sized Canada.

Matt Franko said...

Peter Pan said...

Same bed, different partners.

Crimea was once the home of the Tatars. The Russians relocated them to the east.