Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Argentina currency collapse


Argentina peso in collapse wrt USD:

Interest rates at 81% … better keep increasing rates and stick with it …. maybe it will work this time… come up with some new witty figures of speech maybe…

All Art degree morons in control… ie hopeless situation… 


mike norman said...

I was gonna say, maybe they should just raise interest rates some more. That oughta work.

Matt Franko said...

Yes, you have to stick with it Mike…



Tony Wikrent said...

President: Alberto Fernández
The law school of the University of Buenos Aires

Minister of Economy: Martín Guzmán
Licentiate in Economics and the Master of Science in Economics
The National University of La Plata in Argentina
A doctorate in Economics in Brown University

Head of Central Bank: Miguel Ángel Pesce
Undergraduate degree in Economics in the School of Economic Sciences, University of Buenos Aires

Art degrees? Nope. It's PMC all the way, including two economics indoctrinates.