Thursday, June 13, 2024

Trump floats concept of eliminating the income tax and replacing it with tariffs


Even libertarian douchebag and alleged STEM degree Massie on board….  Would need a big GOP sweep to get it passed….

I guess the tax elimination is going to over ride the debt doomsday thesis of these libertarian morons in their pea brains….  Hard to understand how their brains work….

I’d  take it…  we could get rid of the tax but they would still be stupid…

Can’t have everything…



Peter Pan said...

Will the tariffs be "payable" in Russian Rubles?

mike norman said...

Time to end the Wilsonian gold-standard-days income tax.

mike norman said...

GOP sweep wouldn't do it because the GOP is full of fiscal conservatives. To them, it's all about cutting spending, so they might agree to end the income tax, but they'd slash and burn every spending program to "pay for it." Exceot defense.