Saturday, January 9, 2016

Bruce Webb — Republican Policy Response to Increasing Income Inequality

“Labor Share is decreasing so lets cut tax on capital to zero”.
That is it. Literally.…
Trickle down.

Angry Bear
Republican Policy Response to Increasing Income Inequality
Bruce Webb


Matt Franko said...

survival of the fittest...

Ryan Harris said...

We've shifted away from cash compensation to more Benes. We've prescription drug Benies, we've medicaid expansions, we've insurance subsidies, E-I-T-Cs, housing assistance, food stamps, corporate tax abatements, solar panel "market" redistribution to the rich, school vouchers, nearly endless the non-cash programs we've invented in the last couple decades. Democrat policy makers have favored a nanny approach to governance that gives non-cash compensation to ensure the money is spent in the way the policy makers want. They claim "it promotes" employment when the government pays money on behalf of corporations to poor workers. But then those payments are not considered income. The result? It appears the poor are getting poorer in terms of income. If you counted all the non-cash give-aways that subsidize, "promote" and "invest"

Random said...

Matt Franko said...

Ryan, the Picketty stuff doesnt take into account any transfer payments or progressiveness of income taxes...

So to them, say citizen A made 100k and had a 50% tax netting them 50k that they could use, then citizen B received 50K of transfers/in-kind then (to them) A would have 100k of income and B would have ZERO.... so that would be huge inequality (to them...)

Matt Franko said...

Ryan here this libertarian AEI guy explains this go to 9:00 mark:

this would be like we would get the JG, and then all the lefties would complain "well these people still dont have a REAL job!"...