Saturday, January 9, 2016

"Refugees" raping their way through Europe

This chaos is only going to get worse if oil takes another significant leg down in EUR terms.


Malmo's Ghost said...

...and liberals are twisting in knots over these cretin hordes.

Marian Ruccius said...

So 5 Syrians or Iraqis out of 1 million migrants in Germany. Plus there were U.S. and German perps among the group which conducted the assault.

peacefulposter said...

A nationalist backlash has already begun in Europe and it will likely get ugly. Leaders like Merkel only have themselves to blame. History will not treat her well.

Tom Hickey said...

The story behind the story is not yet in. From what I can gather this was an organized "spontaneous riot" and it was not only in Cologne. Helsinki also.

Looks like another false flag black operation. By whom?

Cui bono?

1. The right. But I don't find it plausible that the right organized it.

2. ISIS. The strategy is to create division between Muslims and "unbelievers" in order to provoke anti-Muslim sentiment in Europe that will result in radicalizing Muslims. Is ISIS heavily committing to creating a religious war to polarize the planet and provoke a clash of civilizations? Highly plausible.

Matt Franko said...

Tom consider they are simply lawless economic refugees... iow the refugee flow increased as the oil price continued to drop in USD and EUR terms and western austerity continued to bite...

No "deep state!" or "neo-liberal!" or "blow back!" conspiracy theory needed here just people fleeing rotten economic conditions in the second rate nations in MENA and raping, robbing, pillaging, etc. along the way...

cui bono? THEY DO obviously... they are fleeing even worse conditions...

Malmo's Ghost said...

"consider they are simply lawless economic refugees"

Occam's Razor agrees

Matt Franko said...

Tom the left actually TROLLS talk of border control/regulation... immigration control, etc.. the left TROLLS these topics... they'll say "xenophobia!" and words like that..

Andy Blatchford said...

"The Dail Mail reported" Ah that's a respected source then.

Course no westerners ever go to Thailand to abuse etc, misogyny is pretty universal.

Tom Hickey said...

I said that the story behind the story is not yet in.

But there is a lot of skepticism among the analysts that I have found right more often than not that this is suspicious that it was a spontaneous happening, and for plausible reasons, e.g., regarding modus operandi.

It's possible that it was coincidental, but there are reasons to suspect that it was organized and planned although that remains speculative at this point.

Peter Pan said...

Still waiting for it to come out on video. Refugees Gone Wild Vol. 1

Malmo's Ghost said...

The better video will show "Democrats Gone Wild" after they realize they're going to get their clocks cleaned in November over this issue alone.

mk10 said...

Saw it coming, mmt-ers completely clueless about what is happening.
Mmt may be neutral but mmt-ers are not. You have to put off your leftist glasses
and go inform yourself by your extreme-right `friends`, they are warning us for years now. Wake up ... and welcome in the REAL world.

Here`s a starter, guess who is on number one.

From a daily follower of this blog.

Andy Blatchford said...

Breibart is also an source that claims climate change is a myth now a stopped clock can be right but usually aren't.

mk10 said...


Don't shoot the messenger ... you risk to hit the message.

Andy Blatchford said...

If the "messenger" is wrong about everything else (would put them in the 'not even wrong' bracket) what on earth makes you think they are right this time? Breitbart UK is just a front for UKIP. Honestly you believe utter loons like James Delingtwat and the slimey Raheem Kazaam (who I have seen abusing Women on twitter) you need a serious filter on your sources. I would also if I was you never use the term 'wake up' as that leads onto 'sheeple'.

Andy Blatchford said...

I wait on Breibart UK supporting any protection of women laws...Oh wait UKIP voted against that in the EU Parliament.

mk10 said...


I repeat : Don't shoot the messenger ... you risk to hit the message.

I don't know who Breitbart is, i don't want to know and i don't fxxxing care.
Until now i haven't seen anyone who is always right and i haven't seen anyone who is
always wrong ... so i am obliged to read different opinions. Even if it was my worst enemy i could admit he was one time right.
I never ever put a filter on my resources because that's what the propaganda machine wants : self-censorship! That's what the article is about : 2 opposing opinions/ideologies with serious filters at work.
You have to 'see' the filters (=message), that's what i mean with wake up.
I would not dare to compare a human with an animal.

mk10 said...

Complaints by women in Cologne : 516 and stil counting!

My guess : one of the 2 ideologies must have it wrong.

Tom Hickey said...

The question is not over the politics but over the facts. Right now we have some facts about the story but not a complete record because it seems, since media there is not doing investigative reporting.

There are suggestions that there is more story behind the story.

one of the 2 ideologies must have it wrong

Ideologies of what strip almost never get it right.

What's needed is facts and application of a rigorous method to interpreting facts.

Right now the facts are that there is a huge backlash against refugees and Muslims in general not only Europe but also in the West.

This chiefly benefits two interest groups — the Western right and the Wahhabi-Salafist-Takfiri that are trying to provoke civilizational conflict as well as conflict within Islam in order to marginalize the liberal and moderate wings of Islam.

The question is whether this was organized, and if so by when, how and whom. The German Minister of Justice says it appears organized and wants to find out the story behind the story. The Bundesnachrichtendienst may already know. What the public will be told is another question. What is almost certain is that it will be spun.

There are four hypotheses on the table:

1. It was a bunch of people control and there is no story behind the story. This is is the ideological view being promoted by some on the right.

2. It was organized by the right. This is a view promoted by some on the left.

3. It was organized by ISIS well in advance as a tactic to divide non-Muslims and Muslims, and to force Muslims to defend themselves by joining ISIS.

4. The US is using ISIS and Al Qaeda for its own purposes, here to control European politics and keep Europe subservient to the US.

As with most of what is going on now, the facts will be hard to come by, and there will be a lot of propaganda involved.

Random said...

I'm guessing it is number 3.

mk10 said...


You first need to know what islam is about. I'm not an expert on islam but i know what this is : patriarchal society.

Here is a real expert on islam :

The west is completely clueless about this.

The German government + media is hiding things.

Do you understand german?

Andy Blatchford said...


As Frankie Boyle tweeted earlier "it's nice to see the far right taking an interest in Women's issues'

Spare us the 'far right' warned us, the far right are using this for their own political ends, considering how many of their ranks end up in nick for rape,paedophilia etc it's a bit of a cheek, very long list here a probation officer told me that sex attackers if they give a political affiliation it was usually far right.
You are missing the point that this is a misogyny problem and you find it in all races, Indian bus gang rape, Steubenville rape cover up, there is even some click bait I have seen about it happening at a swimming pool (IIRC Taiwan) where women were set upon by large groups of men and sexually assaulted.

What I meant by filter is understand what that source is and it's ideological stance.
The 2 sources I have now seen here are the Daily Mail & Breitbart...Seriously?? Both vehemently anti foreigners. I see you just added Sputniknews...It's from the same stable as RT!!

Tom Hickey said...

You first need to know what islam is about.

That like saying you need to know what Christianity or Judaism is about. It's nonsense.

There are many different views of all these religions and atrocities have been committed in the name of each. Picking one gloss from one of the sacred books and interpreting it literally is just silly.

The Psalms are pretty violent and promise faithful Jews victory over their enemies.

Here is Jesus:

“Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.
For I have come to set a man against his father,
and a daughter against her mother,
and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law;
and one’s foes will be members of one’s own household.
Matthew 10:34-36 (NRSV)
other translations are selectable

Here are several English renderings of Surah 61 — As-Saf. They can be interpreted variously and have been.

Wahhabi-Salafi- and Takfiri interpreters see 61:9 as about world conquests, while moderates and Sufis see it as an affirmation of Islam as the new dispensation that will sweep the world as did Christianity after Jesus. Historically, the moderate and Sufi interpretation has been borne out. Go to Translations in the menu bar. (Go to Translations in the menu bar.)

See Playing With Religious Fire, an interview with Sheikh Hamza Yusuf

Do you understand german?

Have you heard of Google Translate?

Tom Hickey said...

BTW, the most expansive ideology today is neoliberalism. The plan is to "convert" the world to this ideology and its practice socially, politically and economically peacefully through free markets, free trade and free capital flow, and not to brook resistance by any who do not wish to adopt this ideology peacefully. And the economic power and military might is there to enforce this.

Malmo's Ghost said...

Tom are you seriously trying to equate what comes out of Christianity and Judaism to what emanates from Islam? Now I'm speaking as an atheist here. There is no reasonable comparison in the civilized modern world. You can cherry pick biblical verses all you want but Islam simply doesn't stack up in regards to promoting tolerance/progress/civil liberties/pluralism no matter how you choose to define the terms. And I'm 100% behind leaving the Muslim world to sort out its own problems without intervention from the west. But putting that genie back into its bottle is nearly impossible, especially with non assimilating refugees pouring into places with embedded hostility to said refugees. Hostility which is not unreasonable in the least given the past 15 years of geopolitics.

John said...

Malmo: "...Islam simply doesn't stack up in regards to promoting tolerance/progress/civil liberties/pluralism no matter how you choose to define the terms."

Malmo, the biggest Islamic states, like Indonesia, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Turkey, etc, are all moving to something approaching modern liberal(ish) societies. Most Muslims want their countries to look like modern Europe or the US. Islam, however you want to define it, may or may not preach some brutish things, but that means nothing. What matters is how Muslims act and what kind of society they want. There was a poll somewhere (the biggest done) and it asked Muslims what kind of society they wished for. Their response was a secular democratic one like Turkey and run by a conservative party like that currently running Turkey. Turkey was the ideal. Not Saudi Arabia and its Wahhabi loony tunes clerics. Not Afghanistan and the Taliban. Not a secular dictatorship like Syria. A secular, liberal democracy like Turkey's. It may not be the ideal, but it's pretty damn good. I heard something like this when I travelled around the Islamic world a while back. By the way, I had a far better time and met far more friendlier faces in the Islamic world than when I travelled in Europe, especially France and more so Belgium. Strangely, Germany was great!

The madness coming out of some regions of the Islamic world is purely political, sometimes with a religious facade. The Saudis spread their jihad, with our help. The region subject to the attack implodes. The implosion eventually starts to leak out, like the Paris attacks and all the rest of it. Then the West blames Islam! Why not blame the psychopaths who run Saudi Arabia? If this was a question of Islam, all Muslims would be doing this deranged shit. All Islamic countries would be doing this deranged shit. Instead, we find it is Muslims who are fighting this deranged shit, but are finding it difficult to repel a Saudi jihad aided by the major Western powers.

Tom, I have no idea what happened in Cologne. A reasonable guess would be refugees who've barely ever touched alcohol got totally wasted and went around touching women. I may be wrong, but as far as I can gather there weren't any rapes. It was gangs of drunk youths touching and grabbing women. Although you have to ask, if gangs of drunk German youths did exactly the same thing, would it have gotten anywhere near as much news coverage?

Tom Hickey said...

are you seriously trying to equate what comes out of Christianity and Judaism to what emanates from Islam?

The depredation in the name of Christ greatly eclipses any other.

None of this has anything to do with Judaism, Christianity or Islam as spiritual teachings. Religions grow out of a spiritual teaching initially. Eventually they become cultural artifacts that are both normative and institutionalized. Then doctrine is brought forward to rationalize social, political and economic endeavors generally aimed at control that have little if anything to do with the underlying spiritual teaching.

The so-called Muslim world is over a billion people scattered around the world. To generalize about it is fraught with oversimplification.

Most of the problems are coming out of particular interpretations of Islam that are relatively recent and which hardly represent "the Muslim world."

The strategy of ISIS is to create a "Muslim world" that accepts a modern Caliphate (succession of legitimacy) under a particular brand by forcing Muslims to choose sides in a manufactured clash of civilizations.

This is for two reasons. The first is the perception that the West through its actions has revealed that it's intention is to subjugate or destroy "the Muslim world."

The second is that the West has attacked Muslim countries first owing to imperialism and colonialism and now due to neo-imperialsim and neocolonialism.

This is accomplished by supporting tyrannies like the KSA or overthrowing governments and installing dictatorial regimes as happened in Iran when MI6 and the CIA overthrew the Mossaddegh government and install the brutal Shah. Most recently, the destruction of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria, and the attacks in Pakistan, are indications of what the West has in store for the Muslim world.

And I'm 100% behind leaving the Muslim world to sort out its own problems without intervention from the west.

And that's where the oil and gas are. So no chance of the West butting out. Same with resource-rich African nations.

Tom Hickey said...

A reasonable guess would be refugees who've barely ever touched alcohol got totally wasted and went around touching women. I may be wrong, but as far as I can gather there weren't any rapes. It was gangs of drunk youths touching and grabbing women. Although you have to ask, if gangs of drunk German youths did exactly the same thing, would it have gotten anywhere near as much news coverage?

Actually, one of the problems magnifying the situation is that there was no news coverage for three days. Some of the controversy is over news suppression.

It's entirely possible that this was unorganized and unplanned. After all, even if 1000 people were involved (how many were actually Middle Eastern or refugees is unknown), it's relatively minuscule relative to the number of refugees. And when there are millions of people involved, most of whom have the clothes on their banks and little else, there will be a rise in the crime rate.

Whatever, its having its effect and Europe will never be the same unless "those people" go back where they came from.

It's somewhat ironic in that Europeans have criticized American of European descent for being racist and now they have to deal with their own stuff, which is right in their face. We'll see how that goes.

Malmo's Ghost said...

I get the West has dirty hands in all the mess. But to equate the Muslim world's good with that wrought by Christianity and Judaism is simply spurious. The bigger question is can Islam, Christianity and Judaism all coexist peacefully within the same polity? I don't believe so. Islam and tolerance/pluralism are mutually exclusive propositions, at least in the way I as an American enjoy. While Christianity and Judaism have their faults, I in no way fear the worlds spawned within their borders. I do fear the world spawned where Islam reigns. I don't want to blow those Islamic worlds to smithereens, however. I'm all for live and let live. But sadly that horse is long out of the barn.

Malmo's Ghost said...


I want to understand where you are coming from in all of this. Are you, in par,t saying that Europe is basically inviting all of this on themselves in a cynical attempt to create even greater hostility against Muslims? In other words the refugee crisis is manufactured?

Tom Hickey said...

The bigger question is can Islam, Christianity and Judaism all coexist peacefully within the same polity?

I would say the question is whether Islam, Christianity. Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Western liberalism, and traditional societies like the Russian world and the Chinese world, and their various tribal manifestations, are compatible enough to live in a globalized world?

Maybe so, but it is going to be a rough ride getting there.

Meanwhile, the governor of Texas is proposing constitutional amendments be adopted that would essentially return the US to the Article of Confederation. Even the US can't get along.

Malmo's Ghost said...

Tom, Families don't even get along. Fifty percent of wives and husbands don't get along in the long pull. Most people are parochial and tribal to the bone. As long as they are allowed to act in this way without push from "outsiders" whose business it ain't all is essentially well. In our liberal tradition here in the states and throughout the much of the world parochialism works just fine. I'ts when people are unnaturally forced together when things get more than dicey. Tall fences make for good neighbors as Robert Frost intoned. That applies just as well to the micro world as the macro one. The only global world that can work is the one that lets people think and act freely absent the heavy hand of meddling so called do-gooders, wherever that manifestation arises. I'm not holding my breath waiting for that world to ever come about.

Tom Hickey said...

IAre you, in par,t saying that Europe is basically inviting all of this on themselves in a cynical attempt to create even greater hostility against Muslims?

That is something I haven't considered and don't see it being very plausible.

In other words the refugee crisis is manufactured?

Jury still out.

There's not enough information I have seen to form an opinion yet, and there may not be since the players in this game have a long history of playing dirty. I mean the "deep states" involved, particularly the clandestine services that handle this stuff. There are many agendas, false agendas, not-so-hidden agendas and deeply hidden agendas, and the "facts" are also heavily manipulated.

There are few theories on the table, some of which I would have dismissed until fairly recently when I found that their authors of these theories had been right about things that I had dismissed as implausible previously.

I have come to realize that this is a deeply dirty game in which the stakes are huge. This is why I say that it's "our thugs" against "their thugs."

Would the people involved use millions of people as pawns in their game. I have little doubt but that they would.

Tom Hickey said...

Families don't even get along. Fifty percent of wives and husbands don't get along in the long pull. Most people are parochial and tribal to the bone. ….

This is a reason for traditional societies and tribal organization providing local control.

Is it possible to have a large liberal society in which there is relative peace and harmony. The paradoxes of liberalism argue against it.

As I keep saying this is a function of the level of collective consciousness. Given the present level, it is difficult enough even in small group of idealists striving to live up to their ideals based on groups have am aware or have participated in. It is difficult to integrate freedom, responsibility, and welfare without a level of collective consciousness that is higher than is now generally available.

John said...


We like to think ourselves superior, but Europe's history is mindbogglingly grotesque. It wasn't that long ago that white Christian Europe descended into the abyss.

ISIS, Al Qaeda may come out of the Islamic world, but they don't represent the Islamic world in any way. Similarly, Hitler's Nazis, Lenin and Stalin's Bolsheviks, Franco and Mussolini's fascists didn't represent anything much other than a gang of determined and ideologically committed thugs. ISIS is determined and is filling a vacuum. Nothing more to it than that. In any power vacuum, especially one that has been created by a very brutal war, small numbers of determined ideologues are capable of taking power, like the Bolsheviks. The Middle East is looking into the abyss. Why are we doing all in our power to push the region into it?

A hundred years or so back there were any number of ways to stop the wackos of Europe coming to power. Every opportunity was spurned. The Middle East faces the same problem. It's future, unfortunately, is not in its hands. The West has to stop its meddling. It has to end this devil's bargain with Saudi Arabia and the other Gulf Arab states. It's not as if this can be contained. It's already leaking out into the streets of Paris. Before long, ISIS and those like minded will turn Europe's major cities into something like a war zone. There may be race and religious conflict, a severe effect on the economies, and who knows what else. And all for what? So that Wall Street can keep recycling petrodollars? And threaten China, Japan, and even the EU with energy shortages?

It's quite amazing the Europeans are going along with this. They know why the US supports all these psychopathic regimes in the Middle East. First, oil is a weapon: whoever controls it can control the supply. If you can't get it or the price is too high, then you are fucked. Like the Chinese and the Japanese, the Europeans are fully aware that they too are subject to the oil weapon. In fact everyone with a brain cell is aware that oil is a weapon, like all resources that can be controlled. Second, it's helpful to the major arms manufacturers: to stay in power, the psychopathic regimes need lots and lots of weapons. Step forward the huge American weapons manufacturers. Third, oil is priced in dollars. The dollars that go to psycho regimes from oil sales go straight back to the US, via the arms industry but just as importantly through Wall Street. Why the Europeans want to keep going along with this is just amazing. It isn't even as if Europe gains. It's a lose-lose situation.

mk10 said...

New years eve Berlin.

What must police do ? Cover it up. It's going on for years now.

Sorry its in german. I won't translate, takes to much time.
Don't know if @Tom understands but he surely can find google translate.

Tom Hickey said...

I won't elaborate on Christianity.

I take an easier example, that will do the job also.
What about the awfull crusades from the Christians in the moslim world?

The Christian depredations were mostly either Christian on Christian under the rubric of fighting heresy, or against indigenous people in the colonies rationalized as converting pagans. History shows, however, that this was a façade for political motives.

Europe was not terribly interested in colonizing the Levant or Arabia until black gold was discovered there. The Crusaders' interest was in securing "the Holy Land."

If even the president says it, it must be true ... or not?

I wouldn't put it as Christians against Muslim but Western colonists against whoever had resources they wanted.

Well you could still say thats an old chart.

Jihad rationalizing imperial expansion. Political rather than religious. The religion is for the masses and fighters, just as our people and military personnel are told that the wars are for freedom and democracy. Same game.

For the Romans, the emperor was "the son of god." Charlemagne was crowned emperor of "the Holy Roman Empire" by the pope. The Sultans were "defenders of the faith." Now the Caliph (successor) claims to be the head of the ummah (community) dating to the succession of rightly guided Caliphs who succeeded Muhammad as head of the ummah.

I don't doubt the sincerity of some of the rulers, both Christian and Muslim, but this was a fight for control and dominance basically for political reasons. These were feudal times and leaders were expected to expand their territory through conquest. And marauding armies were what we would call terrorism today. Which bring up the question of the difference between terrorists cutting off heads and drones blowing up non-combattants, or massive "collateral damage." One side/s terrorism is the other side's tactics. Those refugees weren't fleeing the Taliban, Saddam, Qaddafi or Assad.


Tom Hickey said...


Here's a new one.

Shows the preponderance of refugees head to France and Germany the two wealthiest and most liberal Western countries.

BTW, the charge now is that the unspoken agenda of the German elite toward welcoming the refugees is expanding the labor base.

Same in the US. There is massive illegal immigration from the South when firms are hiring. When hiring dropped off in the recent contraction, the flow reversed.

The flow of refugees from Eastern Europe into the US generally comes across the Canadian border. They have pre-aranged contacts and it's easy to get a cash-paying job in the immigrant community to which they belong.

Neo-liberal tricks? or does the president of the US (speechwriters) not know history.

What the president should have said is, "Let him who is without sin cast the first stone." He also should have explained how the US and its allies are trying to do the same thing and ISIS is a reaction to that — but not to worry since the clandestine services are using ISIS and AQ to undermine Russia and China.

How did contemporary jihad begin? In reaction to US actions in the Middle East in addition to the Western insertion of the State of Israel into the Middle East and subsequent use of Israel to dominate the Middle East with alliances and weapons. The original mujahideen were previously freedom fights that the US supported in Afghanistan as part of the clandestine operation against the USSR. They then became "jihadis," the Western term for mujahideen, in opposition to the US establishing bases in Saudi Arabia on one hand, and neocolonialism in Sunni lands on the other.

Compilation of Usama Bin Ladin Statements — 1994 – 2004

Seeing this as a manifestation of jihad bent on world conquest is Western propaganda. The West is projecting its own desire for global hegemony.

A few years ago, I was talking to an Afghani Sufi Shaykh who now lives in California about the situation in Afghanistan. He said it was 100% political and zero to do with religion. In his view, Islamic fundamentalists like the Taliban and Al Qaeda are about gaining control and maintaining control by using religious ideology as a tool to gain control over the ignorant. In his view, the fundamentalists have no idea of what Islam is actually about. With them it is entirely cultural and political even when it is sincerely held. The Islamists haven't got even a whiff of spirituality. That was his view of it.

mk10 said...


"BTW, the charge now is that the unspoken agenda of the German elite toward welcoming the refugees is expanding the labor base."

Really? When i go for a new job i have to do tests and interviews to prove my skills.

"He also should have explained how the US and its allies are trying to do the same thing and ISIS is a reaction to that..."

"How did contemporary jihad begin? In reaction to US actions in the Middle East in addition to the Western insertion of the State of Israel into the Middle East and subsequent use of Israel to dominate the Middle East with alliances and weapons."

"They then became "jihadis,..."

That's the media/propaganda narrative.
Have you seen my video? I thought this was going on for more than 1400 years.

"He said it was 100% political and zero to do with religion. In his view, Islamic fundamentalists like the Taliban and Al Qaeda are about gaining control and maintaining control by using religious ideology as a tool to gain control over the ignorant. In his view, the fundamentalists have no idea of what Islam is actually about. With them it is entirely cultural and political even when it is sincerely held. The Islamists haven't got even a whiff of spirituality. That was his view of it."

First witness.
That's why some people also call it political-islam. To not use the name religion because it's not a religion like all the others. It's a system for a tribal society to rage war against their neigbour village. That's what DeMeo and Greenfield are trying to explain in the links i gave.
Read them again, they're correct. It's very important to understand them!

So you have a bunch of people not attached to a country and keeping uneducated, they never can become an economic power and they never going to have a sense of national feeling. The only thing they have learned is to give their live for their god ... i mean their leaders and to kill the unbelievers. Seems the perfect army for me.
There is only one problem. They're chained by some 'dictators'. But hey ... we can solve that!

Why? Surely not for oil or to keep the dollar the worlds reserves currency. That's the bonus.

And then we send them to Europe but we must not forget to show them te way.

And the Europeans? Well that's the easiest part. We indoctrinate them with some leftist ideologies about equality and multiculturalism and then they give it away for free. Because those muslims are so good in playing the victim role, it's always been part of there strategy. And the resistance? We take care of those racists and neo-nazis in the media because the media also belongs to US.

mk10 said...

"There is far more violence in the Bible than in the Qur'an; the idea that Islam imposed itself by the sword is a Western fiction, fabricated during the time of the crusades when, in fact, it was Western Christians who were fighting brutal holy wars against Islam."[1] So announces former nun and self-professed "freelance monotheist," Karen Armstrong. This quote sums up the single most influential argument currently serving to deflect the accusation that Islam is inherently violent and intolerant:
More often than not, this argument puts an end to any discussion regarding whether violence and intolerance are unique to Islam. Instead, the default answer becomes that it is not Islam per se but rather Muslim grievance and frustration—ever exacerbated by economic, political, and social factors—that lead to violence. That this view comports perfectly with the secular West's "materialistic" epistemology makes it all the more unquestioned.
The answer lies in the fact that such observations confuse history and theology by conflating the temporal actions of men with what are understood to be the immutable words of God. The fundamental error is that Judeo-Christian history—which is violent—is being conflated with Islamic theology—which commands violence.
Old Testament violence is an interesting case in point. God clearly ordered the Hebrews to annihilate the Canaanites and surrounding peoples. Such violence is therefore an expression of God's will, for good or ill. Regardless, all the historic violence committed by the Hebrews and recorded in the Old Testament is just that—history. It happened; God commanded it. But it revolved around a specific time and place and was directed against a specific people. At no time did such violence go on to become standardized or codified into Jewish law. In short, biblical accounts of violence are descriptive, not prescriptive.
This is where Islamic violence is unique. Though similar to the violence of the Old Testament—commanded by God and manifested in history—certain aspects of Islamic violence and intolerance have become standardized in Islamic law and apply at all times. Thus, while the violence found in the Qur'an has a historical context, its ultimate significance is theological."

Tom Hickey said...


Have you ever lived in rural America, the land of guns and God?

Not much different from tribal wherever.

This is also the basis of American exceptionalism based on frontier mentality.

mk10 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mk10 said...


No, i never bin. Hard to imagine.
But i just finished this video. Is this what you mean?
(warning: it's getting awfull, feel free to delete it, but take at least a look for yourself, this is what i was fearing for and trying to explain here, it's worse than i expected)

Tom Hickey said...

From the video link

"The contents of the film exposes the evil verses and teachings taken directly from the Quran and Hadiths and demonstrates it's sick doctrine of hate, gender inequality, intolerance of homosexuals, anti-semitism, racial discrimination and permission for muslim men to indulge in sex slavery, child rape and molestation.

The Muslim Agenda also exposes other diabolical facet's of the faith, including islam's culture of psychological indoctrination, guilt complex, and mind control which is imposed on young impressionable muslim men to commit jihad. The final end game through acts of jihad, is a worldwide controlled caliphate whereby Sharia law is forced upon all mankind and subjugation of all non-muslims must take place. This is the ultimate desire of all devout muslims who remain faithful to the divisive and destructive religious tenets set by Muhammad, the prophet of islam."

Change that to:

The contents of the film exposes the evil verses and teachings taken directly from the Bible and sermons and demonstrates it's sick doctrine of hate, gender inequality, intolerance of homosexuals, anti-semitism, racial discrimination. ("permission for Christian men to indulge in sex slavery, child rape and molestation" in not said since it is illegal in the US, but news reports record prominent figures in Christian institutions engaging in such and getting caught, including many clergy.)

The Christian Agenda also exposes other diabolical facet's of the faith, including Christianity's culture of psychological indoctrination, guilt complex, and mind control which is imposed on young impressionable Christian men to fight against the godless (rather than commit jihad}. The final end game through acts of Christ's work, is a worldwide controlled conversion of the world to Christianity whereby Biblical law is forced upon all mankind and subjugation of all non-Christians must take place. This is the ultimate desire of all devout Christians who remain faithful to the divisive and destructive religious tenets set by Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

BTW, this the unofficial but actual view of much of the US military and especially the US Air Force.

I regard this as "Christianism" rather than Christianity, although I also view normative institutional Christianity as having little to do with the teaching of Jesus Christ. I have a similar view of Islamism and normative institutional Islam compared with Sufism.

Fortunately for the world, Islamism and Christianism are minority position. But there are enough on both sides to cause a whole lot of hurt globally. Given their placement and power, however, the Christianists are the chief threat at this point in time.

Unfortunately in my view, normative institutional religion is a vast majority in comparison with the spiritual core of Christianity and Islam represented by the so-called mystics and mystical teaching.

Malmo's Ghost said...

"Have you ever lived in rural America, the land of guns and God?

Not much different from tribal wherever."


Please elaborate on what you mean exactly?

Tom Hickey said...

It''s been some years since I was living rurally, and especially in the South so this may be dated. But the culture, reinforced by the churches, was that Christian white men were given domination. Because Original Sin, everyone sins, but those who believe are saved anyway.

Guns are endemic to the culture and if you don't display a gun, like in the rack in back of your pickup you are probably a liberal from out of town.

Example. I was talking to a recent PHD grad from the University of Iowa who had taken a job at a small college in a semi-rural area in the Southwest. He appeared for the interview driving a Toyota Tacoma. On being hired he was advised to sell the Toyota and buy a full size US made pick up to fit in there, He had recently bought the truck and was somewhat taken aback but he got the message and did what he was told.

You have ever had a cross burned on your lawn? I have.

Malmo's Ghost said...
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Malmo's Ghost said...

Your experience is foreign to mine.

My dad lives on 100 acres west of Clinton, Iowa. Been there for 15 years. I've been there hundreds of times. never once did I see anything much different than what I witnessed in the Chicago suburbs.

I lived in Martinsburg, W.Va in the 70's and visit that area frequently ever since. I'm familiar with most of the surrounding rural areas such as those west of Hedgesville. Some of the backwood areas there likely have inbreds here and there but he schools are and have been integrated, and for the most part life there isn't much different than life in Oswego, Illinois.

I also lived in Huntington and Logan, W. Va in the 60's, and visit there often. Pretty much same as the above day to day life wise.

My sister lived in Lynchburg, Va. for many years--Liberty U country, and again, life there is pretty much like life in Loundon Co Va, where my other sister resides.

My dad is originally from Sheldon, ND..I go there infrequently, but life is the same there as it is here, save for they have less commercial establishments.

My mom lives near Conway, SC. She hates all rednecks and there are a significant share living there and about. But not once have I heard her described those rednecks behaviors like you've described. That's because the description is largely a myth.

Television/pop culture has made most of American everyday life pretty homogeneous, contrary to your admitted limited experience, Tom. Rural areas in the US are pretty much as milquetoast as the rest of the country. Yeah, there are the Westboro Baptist Church nuts along with various other weirdos out and about, say, like those fundamentalist Mormons in Utah, but they are by far the exception to the rule.. I'd be far more afraid to be anywhere near Chicago's ghettos than any of those fictitious places out yonder you fear so deeply.

Tom Hickey said...

Your experience is foreign to mine.

Probably the reason that my experience is different from yours is that Back in the Sixties and Seventies, the DFHs (dirty fucking hippies) that wanted to get back to Nature looked of very inexpensive land. That means way out there in the boonies.

Iowa is a well-eduacated purple state. But just look at some of the politicians from certain areas (like Steve King) and you'll find the underbelly. Ted Cruz has a good chance of winning Iowa and he represents these folks. His dad is an outspoken Dominionist pastor.

Andy Blatchford said...

Wrt to Wikiislam
Again your source like all the others is explicitly anti Islam/refugees/migrants take your pick on the brown people you hate this week...if it was consistant it would be anti all religions but it isn't. It totally overlooks all others.
Do us all a favour and just admit you are a biggot.

mk10 said...


I follow this blog for years now. (thx@mne)
I just discovered an important issue that i wanted to throw in here.
I knew it would be a hard one, but still ...
I'm gone leave it by this.

Just one last question, how much is 1+1 ?