Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Pachacutec — Does Bernie Sanders Know What He’s Doing?

Bernie understands activism firsthand.
Yes, I’d say Sanders has a very clear, and historically grounded “theory of change.” What those who question it’s validity are really saying is either: 1) they lack imagination and can’t’ see beyond the status quo; 2) they lack knowledge of history, including American history, or; 3) they understand Sanders’ “theory of change” very well and want to choke it in the crib as quickly as they can.
They may succeed. Elites may beat Sanders himself but they will not beat the movement he’s invigorating but did not create. However, saying Sanders may fail is not the same as saying he doesn’t know what he’s doing, or that what he’s setting out to accomplish is impossible.
Because, if history shows us anything, it is, indeed, possible.
Ian Welsh
Does Bernie Sanders Know What He’s Doing?


Peter Pan said...

He knows what he's doing: trying to save capitalism and the Democratic Party. It is the American electorate that don't know what they are doing.

MRW said...

After listening to Stephen Cohen, I’m supporting Trump. Would never have said this seven months ago. Sanders’ Israel and climate change positions show me he’s nutz and doesn’t think for himself.

Unknown said...

Outing yourself in agreeing with Trump that AGW is a Chinese conspiracy wasn't the best move.

Dan Lynch said...

Dmitry Orlov seemingly responds to Pachacutec's optimistic pitch:

"And then we have Bernie, the pied piper for the “I can't believe I can't change things by voting” crowd."
"People don't want to believe that they are completely powerless, and the same people who fell for it in thinking that they could bring about change by voting for Obama are now falling for it again, thinking that they can bring about change by voting for Bernie."

Peter Pan said...

"On the Republican side we have Donald and the Seven Dwarfs."

That quote sums it up nicely.

MRW said...


"Outing yourself in agreeing with Trump that AGW is a Chinese conspiracy wasn't the best move.”

Didn’t even know he said it. ;-)

Ben, I’m still getting over my poor judgment in campaigning for Obama, not that there was much of a choice otherwise at the time. The point being: why couldn't I read him properly? It’s one thing to vote while holding your nose, another when you let yourself be swept away because you’re blinded.

My issue this election turn has become Russia, reported on so inaccurately and deceptively in the US; the sole purview of the President. We’re now going to spend $1 trillion on the production of tactical nukes? Bernie wants to continue Obama’s feckless and reckless approach to Russia. Dealbreaker for me.

MRW said...


But I’ve already jumped the gun and assumed that Trump and Sanders are going to be the presidential nominees. Of the two, Trump would be my choice, second only to nominating myself, which I might still do.

Frankly, Trump has zero experience to run a government. He is completely ignorant of what it entails. His drivel about the economy is frightening.