Sunday, January 15, 2012

China seeks to unlock secrets of herbs, roots

This is another big deal culturally in that "traditional medicine" is part of the cultural heritage of Asia. I have studied and used Indian Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine for years, and I can report that ancient approaches to health and healing are an excellent complement to Western medicine.

These traditonal technologies are especially applicable to diagnosing and treating chronic issues that stump Western physicians. They also emphasis perfection and prevention over cure, the idea being that if one takes adequate care over the course of one's life to maintain balance, then minimal curing of illness will be required .

Now health professionals trained in rigorous research are at work in both China and India developing a complement and alternative to Western medical practice and pharma. This is going to revolutionize the way medicine and pharma  are approached in the coming several decades globally.

The adoption of Oriental methods such as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Indian Ayurveda is going to play a significant part in reducing health care costs as their effectiveness is demonstrated in Asia, and their influence subsequently spreads. Research is also being done in the US, and there are many practitioners of Oriental medicine in the West already.

China seeks to unlock secrets of herbs, roots
by Tan Ee Lyn and Donny Kwok. Editing by Charlie Zhu, Chris Lewis and Matt Driskill

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