Friday, January 13, 2012

Mish — Population: The Elephant in the Room

Read it at MISH'S Global Economic Trend Analysis
Population: The Elephant in the Room; Peak Oil Implications on Population Growth; What Level of Human Population is Sustainable?

by Mike "Mish" Shedlock


Anonymous said...

Paging Dr. Malthus.......

Anonymous said...

Paging Dr. Bartlett concerning his explanation of the exponential function, and you might want to look at something called The 4TH Turning. All your central planning schemes can't outrun demographics or exponential math no matter how hard you try. History says this, and not me.

Tom Hickey said...

A lot of people think that the Chinese were very cruel with their one child policy and other rather extreme means of population control. Well, guess what. They ran the numbers and were terrified at what they saw.

Anonymous said...

Most of the worlds' population consume modest amounts of energy, they would be least affected by an energy crunch. Meanwhile, the fertility rate has slowly declined since 1950, which is why population growth is projected to peak.