Saturday, January 14, 2012

Wired — What to make of Andrea Rossi's apparent cold fusion success

Read it at Wired
What to make of Andrea Rossi's apparent cold fusion success
By David Hambling
(h/t Kevin Fathi via email)

Wired sees growing credibility.


Clonal said...

See also - NASA video on LENR (low energy nuclear reactions), a clean form of nuclear energy

beowulf said...

Lowe's will not be happy with this.

Rossi says they are getting very advanced in organizing the production technology to produce one million E-Cats, and he expects the production will begin in Autumn this year. He is organizing a network that will cover all the world with the center of production being the United States and states that ““We are in talks with Home Depot for the diffusion”.

Matt Franko said...

Home Depot selling small nuclear reactors to the DIYers?

I'm getting one!!!!

beowulf said...

From the Wired story...
Fox News was first out, though they took a few days to catch on, publishing a piece on 2 November which focused on the identity of the anonymous customer. Following a hint from Rossi, Fox decided the customer is real and is the US Navy's Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR).

Assuming the technology is legit (and I'll believe that when I can cancel my electric utility service), I'd surmise the Navy already has the tech but its incorporated in a black project they don't want to reveal. Buying this tech from its "inventor" lets them roll it out and use it publicly without the risk exposing its existing black project.

googleheim said...

Beowulf - maybe you give too much credit to the Navy and the armed forces.

I don't.

IF they had it, then they are just guinea pigs.

The biggest damage would be for this to be a real disruptive technology via Democracy of the USA -

If we all had them from home depot, that would be bigger than any atomic bomb. It would be THE bomb which ended the oil reliance from assine regimes in one single swoop.

This sounds like cold fusion from Texas A&M 1989 again.

Just a ploy to move the market and someone is making a bunch of money on the forced ignorance.

Just like all the forced depressions by Goldman Sachs so they and their clients can scoop up assets.

This is an extension to the Norman corollary of the Clinton balanced budget - balance the budget, cause a market drop, and scoop up the assets.

Has been going on for 200 plus years.

Austerity is the same - the Germans or the Obama admin or Republicans - they are all scoopers.

Bernanke is working for them too.

Clonal said...

The NASA video very clearly points to the Rossi technology Ni --> Cu The only way Rossi could do this is with a method very similar to what is suggested in the video.

Anonymous said...

I've been following this for a few years and it seems to be a scam. Rossi has a bit of a history of scams.

I don't know for sure. It could be real. Here is my friend Rufus Blooter on Rossi:

seems like scam. You never know, though, and I've had a soft spot for the ZPE energy for 20 years now. Had a subscription to this rag for several years:

It's filled with awesome conspiracy/fringe science. None of it true - or is it! ;)

Anonymous said...

True Story:

I called one of these free energy guys from Nexus magazine, called him up and left a message.

That night , I come home from dinner and drinks about 11:30pm - It's Saturday night.

Parked directly in front of the door to my apartment is a HUGE BLACK CAR.

Here are the strange things:

1. The car is completely unmarked. There are no brand or style names on the car anywhere. No hood markings or ornaments. No license plates.

2. The windows are tinted black - I can't see in.

3. It's huge, and I live in a neighborhood where parking isn't easy at all. How did this car find parking right in front of my door? I'd say impossible on Saturday night. I had to park a block away.

4. The car seemed to be just driven off the lot. And it was a very, very nice car. Seemed to be 1 day old I couldn't tell because it was dark, but the paint appeared to be more matte than a traditional huge black car, like a lincoln or something.

I can't tell you how much this freaked me out. Nothing happened to me (that I could tell, hehehe), but it was something straight out of the pages of Nexus!

Anonymous said...

Call the police and report a vehicle without license plates.

beowulf said...

"Call the police and report a vehicle without license plates."

No you call the police and say some perv is taking pictures of little kids.
THAT'S what gets results.

Matt Franko said...


It's the Men in Black!!!

;) That is freaky though for sure!
