Friday, September 7, 2012

Joe Weisenthal — The Biggest Tragedy In Economics

Joe Weisenthal comes up with another memorable one. Stephanie Kelton appears prominently.

Business Insider
The Biggest Tragedy In Economics
Joe Weisenthal
(h/t Joseph Weisenthal @TheStalwart via Twitter)


Detroit Dan said...

The biggest tragedy is that anyone takes NGDP targeting seriously.

Here's a February 2012 article describing the Japanese central bank's targeting of inflation:
BOJ Unexpectedly Adds Stimulus As It Sets 1% Target For Inflation: Economy

And the headline from a few days ago:
Deflation Deepens As Japan Contraction Risk Intensifies: Economy

Dan Lynch said...

I don't know how Stephanie finds the patience to deal with these people.

I wonder what is driving the beltway's reluctance to publicly accept soft currency economics, if it is true that they actually understand it (as at least some like Bernanke clearly do)?

-- pressure from wealthy donors ?

-- excuse to kill social programs ?

-- or fear of being ridiculed for being the first to say the emperor is not wearing any clothing ?