Monday, December 24, 2012

David Rosen — The Spy State Tightens its Grip

Ever hear of Presidential Policy Directive (PPD) 20? Bet not. The more you’ve never heard of something, the more worried you should be....
The ostensible rationale for the tightening of the digital security grip is to track potential foreign cyber-threats. It is, however, evident that federal agencies are increasingly surveilling the electronic lives of ordinary Americans.
AlterNet | Civil Liberties
The Spy State Tightens its Grip
David Rosen

There was no crime in the USSR and satellites under the thumb of the KGB, Stazi, and other Soviet-style intelligence agencies and "ministries of the interior." Is this where the US is headed justified by the global war on terror?


Bob Roddis said...

Of course, these authentic government Nazis are the folks MMTers want to empower with the "unconstrained" power to fund themselves with the unlimited creation fiat funny money.

If nothing else, you guys are hopelessly naive.

Tom Hickey said...

And the Rothbardians want to free the .1% from all oversight, let them acquire property without limit, and let them control the world by imposing force to defend their sacrosant "property rights." This is not an economics, it is a pseudo-religion.

Get real, Bob. Admit you are a fascist.

Tom Hickey said...

I find it interesting that Libertarians think that the only role of govt is to protect personal liberty and private property, that is, provide security — that is, the ones that don't think that this should be done by private guards and private armies ("militias"). This is what govt is doing in creating the surveillance state. Do I hear any peeps from the Tea Party or other Libertarians about this? So far, it's the opposition is coming from the Left.

Bob Roddis said...

You're a liar, Hickey. If any regime is "fascist" it's the funny money regime you've turned into a God. The elite gets rich by violating the property and personal rights of the 99%, especially via your beloved funny money. Gabriel Kolko showed that the elite could not and did not get control via laissez faire but required and promoted "progressive" regulation to do so. Just like today. If the elite cannot initiate force against anyone, they cannot initiate force against anyone. I know that goes over your head, but whatever....

Bob Roddis said...

Do I hear any peeps from the Tea Party or other Libertarians about this?

From the militarist Tea Party, never. From the libertarians, every day, all of the time. Lying again, Hickey.

Tom Hickey said...

Yeah, the Libertarians are "anti-war"and holed up in bunkers filled with assault weapons and ammo, when they aren't training with their militias.

Tom Hickey said...

BTW, Bob I am just throwing rants back at your rants. If you want to be reasonable then we can argue. Otherwise, we'll just exchange rants.

BTW as far as I can see we have a common opponent that we should be cooperating on opposing if we were to take the intelligent path. "They" want the rest of us to keep busying fighting with each other.

Compare it to Russia at the time of the revolution. The reds and whites cooperated in booting the aristocracy and only afterward did they duke it out for control.

Anonymous said...

Of course, these authentic government Nazis are the folks MMTers want to empower with the "unconstrained" power to fund themselves with the unlimited creation fiat funny money.

The contention is that they already have it and that it's just usually interpreted wrongly.

Ryan Harris said...

A huge state secret that communications equipment and operating systems built by US companies have backdoors that enable our government to snoop? Who'd have guessed.

Anonymous said...

"the "unconstrained" power to fund themselves with the unlimited creation fiat funny money"

They already have that "unconstrained" power.

Get rid of the "nazis". Put government of, by and for the people in their place.

"the elite could not and did not get control via laissez faire but required and promoted "progressive" regulation to do so"

Funny. The oligopolistic ultra-rich corrupt government, so your solution is to get rid of government and let the oligopolistic ultra-rich control everything.

Because you believe "laissez faire" would stop them.

Even though they originally became oligopolistic ultra-rich in the context of "laissez faire".