Sunday, February 1, 2015

Daniel Little — The mode of production as society's structure

Understanding Society
The mode of production as society's structure
Daniel Little | Chancellor of the University of Michigan-Dearborn, Professor of Philosophy at UM-Dearborn and Professor of Sociology at UM-Ann Arbor

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I felt I moved on from this reprieve of the Marxist 'levels' analysis - economic, political, & ideological levels. Take for instance the 'agent', and as has been pointed out before but forgotten, perhaps, there are actors in the system other than individual-human actors. And 'apparatuses' don't exhaust their types and extent. So much so that human actors may be outnumbered. Start with any actor entity that shows also that it's greater than the sum of its parts. Say, your family, place of work, etc etc. informal, momentary, of historical extension, and on and on.