Friday, March 13, 2015

Cora Currier — CIA Director Describes How the U.S. Outsources Terror Interrogations

CIA director Brennan admits that rendition still US policy. All that's changed is the name. Now it's "assisting partners."
During a question-and-answer session, it was Fox News’ Megyn Kelley who questioned Brennan about “capturing terrorists.” 
“Are we still doing that?” she asked. “And where are we keeping them and how are we interrogating them?” 
Brennan responded that the U.S. is able to work with “partners” to “identify individuals and to have them captured… although there are not a lot of public pieces on Fox News about somebody that might be picked up in different parts of the world.”....
Brennan’s comments today are a rare confirmation that the CIA remains actively involved in the arrest and interrogation of terrorist suspects overseas.
The Intercept

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