"Loan approved." Haha. Like it was never going to happen in the first place? Of course it was.
How many times do we have to see this to know that it's the biggest ripoff scam in history? The IMF, for decades now, has been the duly established "agent" of Western oligopolistic interests. It was established by these robber barrons so that they can pull off the same scam over and over and over again and look semi-legitimate while doing it. Pad your executive board with the likes of Harvard economists and high level policy figures--a veritable Who's Who that looks like a roster right out of a Bilderberg Group meeting.
Anyway, here's how it works: First the Wall Street bankers and financial predators come in and burden down a country with massive amounts of debt that they're never going to be able to repay. Of course it is all put on them by means of highly sophisticated and established schemes of fraud that the finance criminals have honed over generations.
After that when the country goes broke, they get a regime change, usually with the help from the CIA and the US State Department. A "new government" (read: puppet, US installed oligarch, big-business friendly mafia) is installed and that leads to them asking the IMF for "help." The IMF then offers mafia style loans with usury interest and terms like forced, firesale privatizations of national wealth to the very same people and their accomplices that got them in the mess in the first place. Everything is liquidated. That means public infrastructure, raw materals, plants and equipment, pension funds...everything that can be stolen is stolen with the US courts and even the threat of the US military assuring that the transfer takes place whether the people like it or not.
In the end, the citzenry is left, stripped naked, demoralized, with any semblance of democracy in tatters and wrecked politically, economically and socially while the 1% just got a lot richer.
This is what you bargained for, Ukraine. It's a well-oiled scam with the US military providing the muscle.
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