Saturday, March 14, 2015

Lend-Lease: Why it worked...

From wiki:
The Lend-Lease policy, formally titled "An Act to Further Promote the Defense of the United States", (Pub.L. 77–11, H.R. 1776, 55 Stat. 31, enacted March 11, 1941)[1] was a program under which the United States supplied Free France, Great Britain, the Republic of China, and later the USSR and other Allied nations with food, oil, and materiel between 1941 and August 1945. It was signed into law on March 11, 1941 and ended in September 1945. 
In general the aid was free, although some hardware (such as ships) were returned after the war. In return, the U.S. was given leases on bases in Allied territory during the war. 
A total of $50.1 billion (equivalent to $656 billion today) worth of supplies were shipped, or 17% of the total war expenditures of the U.S.
Why did it work? Because as we read above: "THE... AID... WAS... FREE..."

That is, NO foreign claims were established in the conduct of the policy.

And to this day I would point out, that the U.S. still can NOT be seen to establish foreign claims AT ALL.

This is the only way it can work, our western ancestors studied this and knew this and therefore we read from Plato's Laws:
If a private person is ever obliged to go abroad, let him have the consent of the magistrates and go; and if when he returns he has any foreign money remaining, let him give the surplus back to the treasury, and receive a corresponding sum in the local currency.
And if he is discovered to appropriate it, let it be confiscated, and let him who knows and does not inform be subject to curse and dishonour equally him who brought the money, and also to a fine not less in amount than the foreign money which has been brought back.
They simply refused to allow the establishment of foreign claims period.  Its the same policy the U.S. has been running for quite some time; at least since WW2.

In contrast we saw this past week how some officials in Greece dredged up from the bowels of history some claims on "Germany's WW2 war debt" (over 50 years later!) and the foreign claims beat goes on over there still and these people are still at each other's throats on these foreign claims.

And also this week how the IMF advanced "money" to Ukraine (TIP for the morons: ITS NEVER GOING TO BE PAID BACK!... you dumb m-f'ers...) and established more foreign claims against the Ukraine.

Until we of mankind completely get over our desire to establish foreign claims, the current malaise is never completely going away.


mike norman said...

We're back in the 15th century.

Serge_Tomiko said...

I wish I had found this blog years ago. Great work, great attitude. I hope you have more of those classes in the future!

mike norman said...


I give them every month. Sometimes twice.