Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Obama is a total piece of shit with his trade bill

The GOP House scumbags are, of course, going to hand fast track authority to Obama and his TPP trade bill, which should have been dead and buried by now.

The president pushed this thing harder than anything in his two terms thus far. Harder than Obamacare. Certainly harder than the single payer option. Harder than jobs, stimulus, you name it.

Of course the "owners" of the country will once again get what they want; a path to more profits, more environmental ruin, more wage suppression and slavery.

Obama is really a piece of shit.


Tom Hickey said...

TPP and TISA will be tagged as Obama's just like NAFTA is tagged as Clinton's, and Democrats will get blamed for the mess down the line.

mike norman said...

Tom, "blame" doesn't compensate for the hurt to people or, damage to the country.

Tom Hickey said...

That's true, but the voters are going to take it out on the Democrats anyway.

Of course, their is no adequate retribution without restitution and that will take regime change in America away from neoliberal oligarchy "democracy" to popular democracy manifesting institutionally as social democracy or socialism, and the breaking up of the neoliberal global empire.

Tom Hickey said...

Especially after all the BS Obama put out during the campaign and then immediately began reversing himself on.

Unknown said...

The TPP, TTIP and TISA are all part of a complete package and I think it's a mistake or at the very least, short sighted to focus solely on the TPP. They are all anti-democratic and certainly not in favour of the 99%.

Obama is very close, time-wise, to becoming a lame duck and invariably desperate to create a legacy, regardless of the consequences.

I think it's also noteworthy that the current odds-on Democratic favourite to follow, HRC, has been mute on this subject.

Tom Hickey said...

I think it's also noteworthy that the current odds-on Democratic favourite to follow, HRC, has been mute on this subject.

HRC is neoliberal and neoconservative., but she and her team are politically savvy enough not to feature it. If she senses that these are not popular issues other than possibly negatively, the her reticence to jump on the Obama bandwagon and beat the drum for "free trade" and "the US writing the rules of the game" speaks for itself.

Bernie has picked up this, of course, and is pressing her on it, as the press should be.

Dan Lynch said...

Voters may blame Democrats .... leading to a Republican victory in 2016. Then after a few years the Republicans will mess things up and Democrats will be voted back in. Political whack-o-mole.
Matt Stoller explains why politicians don't care that much about re-election.

@Mike, thanks for telling it like it is. :-)

NeilW said...

Obama is nearing the end of his term and is not an old man. It's not his legacy he's looking after. It's his future income stream.

mike norman said...


Good points.