Thursday, September 7, 2017

Jake Novak — By bashing Bernie Sanders in her new book, Hillary Clinton proves she still doesn't get it

  • Hillary Clinton's attacks on Bernie Sanders in her new book "What Happened" show why she lost the election.
  • Her comments illustrate how out of touch Clinton still is and point to why she didn't recognize widespread voter anger during her presidential campaign.
  • Sanders and Trump still come off as authentic fighters who were able to capitalize on voters' anger.

In addition, HRC to Bernie Sanders, HRC also blames Barack Obama, Joe Biden, James Comes and, of course, Vladimir Putin.
And she describes her regret at not facing Russian leader Vladimir Putin as a US president -- a form of vengeance she can now only imagine.
"There's nothing I was looking forward to more than showing Putin that his efforts to influence our election and install a friendly puppet had failed," she writes. "I know he must be enjoying everything that's happened instead. But he hasn't had the last laugh yet."
HRC is making a fool of herself and damaging her party. Someone should tell her to STFU.


MRW said...

"Someone should tell her to STFU." Pourquoi? I want her to become the Crazy Norma Desmond she really is. The woman is nutz.

MRW said...

Not "become." Reveal. You think Pelosi and Schumer are going to back her after Trump has just anointed Pelosi and Schumer to equal status? This is just too much fun.

GLH said...

The higher she raises her dress the more she shows her ass.

Vincent said...
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Vincent said...

Whether she gets it or not is irrelevant. I'm sure some of it is personal. After all, who wants to lose to the epitome of the lowest common denominator. But, now, the objective is to promote book sales.

Kaivey said...
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Kaivey said...

I read what she said above and it turned my guts up. What so powerful in Trump's speech was when he said Hilary was a crook. Now a lot is people may think he was saying that flippantly, but we know it was the truth and he meant it.

Noah Way said...

The longer Hillary rants, raves and whines the more people are going to abandon not just the DEMs but politics in whole.

Whiny bitch. How does it feel to be less popular than tRUMP? GFY