Sunday, September 3, 2017

Jon Hellevig — Putin Hits Back: Vows to Destroy Western Financial and Trade Hegemony

Only an apocalyptic war can hinder the march of a multilateral world
"The shit's on," as they say in the military. And I don't rule out apocalyptic war. The world is now in a position eerily similar to the lead up to WWI and WWII. The big difference now is the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction that may act as a deterrent.

We need some sense to prevail, and good sense seems to be in short supply.


Kaivey said...
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Kaivey said...

You're right you know. I hate nuclear weapons, I think we all do, and I get the CND newsletter, but I often think that we would have had a war with Russia years ago if it weren't for nuclear weapons, and it would have been worse than WW2 so I could have been long dead by now. And then there might have been a war with China too as the elite love to plunder.

The average guy doesn't want war, but the ruling elite think they won't die in one because they can send the foot soldiers in first so they are quite likely to start them.

The working class are tough minded and the young like to fight in the pubs and bars so when there is a war they soon get patriotic and are prepared to fight to the death for the ruling class who they see as the establishment, their country. So the ruling class have always been laughing because they have plenty of mugs for their cannon fodder