Monday, September 9, 2019

David Gornoski - I Was Sentenced to Life Without Parole for a Non-Violent First Drug Offense

Craig Cesal was sentenced to life in prison for a first-time drug offense. He currently resides at a federal prison in Terre Haute, Indiana.

I was never alleged to have bought, sold, or even used marijuana. Rather, my business repaired semi-trucks for a company that trafficked marijuana. I didn't think I was doing anything wrong as I didn't do anything with marijuana. I was wrong, according to the federal court in Gainesville, Georgia. My business, nestled near Chicago, was auctioned by lawyers in Georgia to pay for their services to secure the life sentence after my home and savings were spent. Two months ago, recreational marijuana was approved for sale by the Illinois legislature. Some of my business equipment is likely again being used to repair trucks that have hauled marijuana.

1 comment:

Steph' said...

I do not know the details of this case, but it seems to me that this man's sentence —and the tax-violence the State perpetrates against other peaceful citizens to impose it— erodes still further what little might remain of an air of legitimacy in the US government, it's laws, and it's (not 'our') judicial system.