Monday, September 2, 2019

Phil Miller - The British Army's Secret Plan to Shoot Protesters in Hong Kong in the 80s

The British Army of the 1980s was willing to control riots by shooting people.

Now VICE can reveal a secret army file, which shows how British soldiers planned to deal with unrest when Hong Kong was still a British colony in the 1980s. The file, discovered at the National Archives, shows that the British army's plans to handle a similar situation were actually much worse. While the Chinese police used tear gas, the British Army would have preferred bullets.



Marian Ruccius said...

It is one thing to have a plan (armies and government always have several), and quite another to actually repress, rape, torture, beat and otherwise seek to undermine people's rights and liberties, which is what is increasingly happening to Beijing's opponents.

Kaivey said...

Have you seen the footage of the protestors beating the police up? One had so his teeth out. A voilent protest is illegal in any country and wouldn't be tolerated in the UK or America. These protestors are seriously out of order running about smashing the place up.

The West has no interest in democracy, it's is to break to China to destroy it.

Kaivey said...

If read the article you will see that the British Army killed 6 peolple with rubber bullets in the 80's.