Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Aperture - The Real Meaning of Life

 One day our Sun will burn out and  expand to devour the Earth.

Then our galaxy will burn out too, and all the other galaxies, after which the universe will die.

All the stars will become black holes and evaporate to nothing.

Everything gone.

It's sad! 


Ahmed Fares said...

Except that time does not exist. Time is an illusion of the mind. Mystics have known this for millennia. Science is just catching up to this.

Julian Barbour

His 1999 book The End of Time advances timeless physics: the controversial view that time, as we perceive it, does not exist as anything other than an illusion, and that a number of problems in physical theory arise from assuming that it does exist. He argues that we have no evidence of the past other than our memory of it, and no evidence of the future other than our belief in it. "Difference merely creates an illusion of time, with each individual moment existing in its own right, complete and whole." He calls these moments "Nows". It is all an illusion: there is no motion and no change. He argues that the illusion of time is what we interpret through what he calls "time capsules", which are "any fixed pattern that creates or encodes the appearance of motion, change or history".

That sounds like time atomism in Islamic Ash'arite theology as regards continuous creation. It is described well by Oliver Crisp's book about Jonathan Edwards:

Oliver Crisp summarizes Edwards's view: "God creates the world out of nothing, whereupon it momentarily ceases to exist, to be replaced by a facsimile that has incremental differences built into it to account for what appear to be motion and change across time. This, in turn, is annihilated, or ceases to exist, and is replaced by another facsimile world ... and so on."

Another quote about Edwards:

Sanctified Reason and Continuous Creation

Yet Edwards was not simply a Christian mystic who happened to believe that the creation occurred in six literal days. He was also a philosopher with a rigorously logical mind who saw that certain truths flowed deductively from a high view of God’s absolute control over the creation as recorded in Genesis and apprehended by “sanctified reason.” If all things were originally created by God ex nihilo and by divine fiat, this meant that all things in the beginning were absolutely dependent for their existence on God’s sovereign will. It was a logical fallacy, however, to think that the fact of antecedent existence in any way guaranteed or explained the continued existence of created things. Like the Scottish empiricist David Hume, Edwards saw that we inductively infer that things in nature are causally linked to the things that preceded them, but in reality we have no direct access to what it is that actually links things together from one moment to the next. We simply see them constantly joined together and conclude that whatever comes later was created or caused by whatever came before, and we call this the “laws” of science.
But in the light of Genesis, the only reason things continue to exist in a continuous way, Edwards deduced, is because at every single moment God wills that these things continue to exist. Nature could not have been self-generating in the beginning. It cannot be self-generating in the present. The laws of “science” are in reality the laws of God, which is to say the will of God. There was not simply one creation once and for all. Rather, there is a “continuous creation” in Edwards’ theology in which things in nature are supernaturally sustained and re-created ex nihilo at every single instant following God’s sovereign decrees. Every single atom of existence is at every moment a miracle radiant with God’s presence and power. It is only habituation to the miraculous that prevents us from seeing that all of life is infused with God’s presence and creative agency.
This did not mean for Edwards that God is to be identified with nature as in pantheistic doctrines. Instead, it implied that the creation is utterly at God’s mercy. Apart from God’s creative will operating at every instant, everything that is would vanish into nothingness.

Peter Pan said...

We measure intervals.
Intervals that are relevant to our perception of time, which is defined by our lifespan.

There is the 'arrow of time' which is a concept applied to seemingly irreversible, non-cyclic processes.


The author of this piece never mentions evolution.

Critical Tinkerer said...

The surface temperature of the Sun is 10k degrees and a million miless away is 2M degrees. The physivs laws says that temperature decliness with a distance. Ths sun is not powered with fusion nor fission as thought before fusion was discovered.
Extraordinary claims demand extraordinary proofs and thede is no proof at all that Sun is powered by fusion.
Therefeore the Sun will not burn out as it is claimed, ever. Simply it is unkown what powers the Sun. Also, the dark spots reveal that the surface is dark and should be the brightest not dark if the fusion powers it.

Matt Franko said...



Alternative cosmology....

Critical Tinkerer said...

Thank you. I have known about EU but this is a nice guide to it