Friday, March 5, 2021

Howard Nicholson - International Trade Deals and the WTO

 How the strong countries set up trade deals to enrich their corporations at the expense of weaker ones. Third world countries are often forced, or tricked, into accepting privatisation, while the West quietly subsidises its own industries which will compete with them. Europeans too are forced to privatise and made to accept dangerous, low quality food because these trade deals have lower regulations. 

Howard Nicholas is a renowned development economist and associate professor of economics at the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS). 

"What is the connection between poverty, human rights and trade?

What is 'free' trade and who profits from it?

What are genuine and bogus solutions to poverty worldwide? 

What is the role of institutions like the WTO?

What is the role of trade treaties such as EPAs, TTIP and TiSA?

To what extent are trade and economics 'war by other means'?"

Howard Nicholas engages, among others, these questions in his lecture.

Part 2 can be found in the description. 


Peter Pan said...

Unfortunately there is little appetite among the sheeple for learning how the sausage is made.

For those unfamiliar:

Unknown said...

As if only the West subsidizes its industries so does China, for example. The issue is what can be done to prevent the adverse effects.

Peter Pan said...

It's only a subsidy when the other country is doing it. This is why these treaties are so hypocrit *cough* technical.