Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Neoliberal "competition" in the vaccine world.

Big Pharma is fighting for tight control over Covid-19 vaccine production, limiting availability worldwide while reaping billions.


They [Oxford University] Pledged to Donate Rights to Their COVID Vaccine, Then Sold Them to Pharma
Jay Hancock


Peter Pan said...

Competition and liability are filthy words.
Profit is divine.

Get with the program, Tom.

Kaivey said...

We need to vaccinate as many people as quickly as possible before it mutates into something even worse. Big Pharma isn't helping. The Western public have no idea how bad their system is. We even had a chance to avert climate Change, and it would have created good jobs and excellent returns for investors, but that was too much hard work for the rentiers.

Peter Pan said...

Yearly vaccines = chaching! for big pharma.