Monday, March 15, 2021

On Nonduality, Politics, And Freedom — Caitlin Johnstone

A lucid perception of reality reveals that our entire experience of what we call the world is inseparable from the awareness in which it appears, and that this awareness is boundless, timeless, and head-over-heels in love with all that is. There is no possible experience of the universe which is not painted upon the canvass of infinite loving awareness, with paint that is made of that same awareness, by a painter who is that same awareness....
This is a clear statement of perennial wisdom, the message at the core of all wisdom traditions. The rest of the post elaborates on in. The purpose of life is realize by experiencing it directly without mediation, not merely understanding it through concepts. This requires waking up from the dream and opening "the eye of the heart."

This is the basis of "enlightenment." Raising the level of collective consciousness is a matter of individual's waking up. Without raising collective consciousness sufficiently, ideals are utopian and remain merely aspirational.
On Nonduality, Politics, And Freedom
Caitlin Johnstone


Ahmed Fares said...

A nice quote I ran across:

"Mysticism teaches that there is wisdom inaccessible to the intellect. You can only reach it through surrender, being nothing."
~ The Rabbi in #Netflix #RussianDoll S1E3

source: br. frederick-james, osb. on Twitter

Peter Pan said...

This is how activism dies.

Tom Hickey said...

This is how activism dies.

If the collective consciousness is raised, society spontaneously transforms without the need for "activism." Without raising the collective consciousness, activism is utopian wishful thinking.

A corollary to this is that a society reflects the level of collective consciousness, in its culture and institutions. While the level of collective consciousness is unobservable, its reflection in culture and institutions is observable.

This can be measured quantitatively based on various standard socially, political and economically, however it is difficult to quantify some of the qualitative factors.

Peter Pan said...

Speaking truth to power can wear people down, so I grant her that. We all want an escape at certain times in our lives.

It's difficult to raise collective consciousness when it is destroyed by adulthood. The narratives of childhood are discarded.

There are those who play the long game of changing culture; unfortunately most of them are in the employ of the ruling class.

Matt Franko said...

“Speaking truth to power”

That’s not what she is doing... she is speaking her thesis in her dialogic system she is in ....

Matt Franko said...

“ and head-over-heels in love with all that is.”

LOL. Well I am not in love with all of these morons I can assure you of that... they are detestable human beings...

Matt Franko said...

“ can wear people down ”

Yeah.... All she is doing is longing for a dialogic synthesis.... she’s tired of all the arguing back and forth...

Peter Pan said...

There's some dialog in the comment section of her website, consisting mostly of choir singing. How can you not see her critique as speaking truth to power?

Matt Franko said...

I’m not a libertarian... I don’t have any problem with power...

You seem to be conflating her thesis which you are in agreement with as ‘truth’ ...

Just because you agree with something doesn’t make it true...

Matt Franko said...

I look at US policy as too weak and we should be killing a lot more of our enemies...

So if I write an article promoting that anti-thesis to CJs kumbaya thesis am I too ‘speaking truth to power”?

I don’t think so...

Peter Pan said...

Criticism of official narratives is speaking truth to power.
Saying that US foreign policy doesn't go far enough is advocacy of the official narrative.

Do you have a problem with censorship?
Those who speak truth to power get censored; those who don't have their message amplified.

Matt Franko said...

“ Criticism of official narratives is speaking truth to power.”

Criticism and truth are not synonymous...

She disagrees with the policy so what? She’s just one person out there out of 7 billion...

Truth has to be testable...

“ truths are based on clear observations of physical reality and can be tested through observation.”

It’s not a matter of truth or falsity...

It’s a dialogic discussion back and forth, thesis vs antithesis , hammering the other side then the other side hammering you back .... incessantly... which eventually leads to a synthesis of the theses...

And it’s tiring and frustrating and she probably has times where she wishes it was over already and writes something like this...

She’ll be ok she’ll get her breath and be right back to hammering the other side in a short while...

Matt Franko said...

“Saying that US foreign policy doesn't go far enough”

That’s a figure of speech... I’m saying the level of destruction should be higher... that’s a testable outcome....

We should adjust policy to increase rate of destruction... measure destruction at time 1 than at time 2..

If destruction at time 2 is less than time 1 and govt saying it is higher and then someone were to point out that is not true then THAT would be “speaking truth to power”...

Someone in dialogic disagreement with the policy of increased destruction is not “speaking truth to power”....

Matt Franko said...

You sometimes hear the statement “speak your truth!”

There is no “your truth”.. truth is absolute...

Someone saying “speak your truth” is to put it kind as possible not well educated....

Matt Franko said...

“We hold these truths to be self evident: that all men are created equal!”

Then: human chattel Slavery....


Think testable outcomes....

(Us constitution written by dialogic Art degree morons prior to Darwin touching off the transition to s scientific academe in about 1860 we are still in transition state)

Matt Franko said...

Transition states are usually characterized by instability...

Peter Pan said...

'Truth to power' infers that it is a courageous act. There are examples where criticism was met with censorship, imprisonment, or death.

Hardly any debate is involved when speaking truth to power. Her website is an echo chamber, and outside of that, her message is drowned out by ruling class narratives. Debates give critics attention, if not oxygen. The strategy for those in charge is to ignore, censor, or destroy. Time spent arguing with minions is probably time wasted.

I'm surprised activists aren't always depressed. They are losing the propaganda war, the culture war; they're failing to raise consciousness beyond their tiny audiences; and there's no people's movement in sight. If anything, a majority are sheeple.

Matt Franko said...

“ I'm surprised activists aren't always depressed. ”

They probably are... and just dealing with the depression as best they can...

Matt Franko said...

'Truth to power' infers that it is a courageous act.“

Ok you’re saying it’s become a figure of speech... I’m taking it literally.. remember I don’t have an Art Degree ....

Peter Pan said...

It's something that an activist can do, that has consequences.

"Punching up" and "punching down' are figures of speech.

Obviously, Caitlin is punching up.

Matt Franko said...

Why dont you just say she is in disagreement with current policy?

Peter Pan said...

She's in disagreement with the current socio-economic system.
A lot of topics to tie up in one bundle.