Friday, March 12, 2021

Shock Revelation: Putin wants stability in the USA — Paul Robinson

And so it is that in a meeting with businessmen on Wednesday, Vladimir Putin had the following to say:
We see what is happening, for example, overseas: of all those who walked into the US Congress building, 150 people were arrested and face anywhere from 15 to 25 years in prison. We have no way of knowing whether the internal contradictions will stop there. We really want them to stop, and I will tell you why. We are interested in steady relations with all our key partners, and internal squabbles, for internal political reasons, are in the way of achieving this kind of stability in the relations between our states.

How does this square with the gospel truth we have been told to believe that Putin rejoices at every sign of turmoil in our midst, and is doing all he can to provoke chaos amongst us?

It doesn’t square at all. Something must be wrong.

Indeed something is – everything we’re being told by The Atlantic and all the rest of them is total, complete, utter nonsense. It not only isn’t supported by the evidence, but is in fact rejected by it.

Will anybody notice? Sadly, I doubt it. The same old lies will keep on being repeated. They’ve been said so often by now that nobody can imagine that they’re not true. But at least you, dear readers, will know that they’re not. And perhaps if we can spread that truth a little bit further, then drip by drip we might have some effect. I’m not optimistic, but at least we can try.
Shock Revelation: Putin wants stability in the USA
Paul Robinson | Professor, Graduate School of Public and International Affairs at the University of Ottawa

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