Monday, March 15, 2021

Umar Hague - How Britain Became the Dumbest Society in the World

Britain is Becoming the World’s Newest Failed State

Dumb and dumber!

The story goes like this. After the financial crisis in 2007, Britain had just elected a conservative government. They sold the population the foolish myth that they were “broke” — and now belts needed to be tightened. Never mind the fact that the correct way to respond to a financial crisis is to stimulate the economy. Instead, Britain began a savage course of austerity. All those famous public services — the NHS, the BBC, and so on — were slashed. And then slashed again. And then eviscerated.

The bottom fell out of the economy. Public sectors are an economy’s biggest employer, or one of them. Unemployment and poverty soared. The government responded, amazingly, with even more austerity. By now, the population believed this most foolish myth of American economics: when times are tough, cut spending. Wrong. When times are tough, invest more than ever. But Britain did just the opposite.

And so soon enough, what was eminently predictable came to pass. One of the few trustworthy and useful findings in economics is that after financial crises, countries tend to swing hard, hard right: nationalism erupts. Why? Because governments usually respond the wrong way, choosing austerity over investment. People grow poorer. Their social contracts wither. They begin to live in anxiety, fear, and despair.

And before you know it, demagogues are blaming their woes on foreigners, immigrants, minorites — anyone remotely alien or other. “America First!” “Britain for the British!” Nationalism happens by way of financial crisis become economic ruin, via the invisible fist of austerity. And as people grow poorer, they grow more ignorant, violence, brutal, selfish, and careless.


Ralph Musgrave said...

Umar Hague has churned out dozens of articles trashing the US, UK and the West in general, while oblivious of the fact that people are quitting Muslim countries (i.e. countries set up by people with names like Umar and Hague) and trying to migrate to the West.

To describe him as "dumb" (to use his own phraseology) would be far too polite.

Matt Franko said...

“ people are quitting Muslim countries ”

They are quitting the entire commie turd world Ralph....

US southern border:

More capitalists arriving every day....

Marian Ruccius said...
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Marian Ruccius said...

There would be fewer migrants if, say, the UK had not contributed to the devastation of Libya and Syria, and the US had not imposed sanctions on Venezuela, and earlier deposed the democratically-elected Zelaya (before supporting a death-squad government). There is blame to go around, though (e.g. Canada's errors in Haiti).

Tom Hickey said...

The way to stem immigration from developing countries to developed countries is through accelerating the process of decolonization rather than continuing to impose neocolonialism through neoliberal globalization in an effort to preserve Western hegemony. (The endless war is an imperial and colonial one.)

Peter Pan said...

You could try changing immigration/refugee policies.

Ralph Musgrave said...

Marian Ruccius thinks there's be fewer migrants if "the UK had not contributed to the devastation of Libya and Syria". Well first, the UK contribution to any devastation in Syria etc is MINUTE compared to all the other countries interferance there: the US, Iran, Russia, etc etc etc. The UK just doesn't have the necessary military clout.

Second, and as regards Syria, that started as a CIVIL WAR. If no other countries had interfered at all, for all I know the total amount of deaths might have been just the same, except that they'd be fighting each other with low tech rather than high tech weapons.

Third, main source of Muslim migration over the last 50 years has been PAKISTAN, a country where there's been no outside military intervention. Any why do Pakistanis quit Pakistan? Because it's a typical Muslim sh*t hole country.

S400 said...

Syria didn’t start as a civil war. It was outside interference from the beginning. Syria has since 1947 had problems with US an UK interfere.

Perhaps they quit Pakistan because the brits run it down to be a shit hole. Brits are good at that.