Monday, July 5, 2021

Zero Hedge — A Stunned Wall Street Responds To China's Droconian [sic] Didi Crackdown

Surprisingly muted to positive reaction from Wall Street. It's being recognized that tech and fintech will be regulated not only in China as the US considers anti-trust action. The reality is that the baseline business model needs regulation to avoid perverse incentives undesirable (intended) consequences — monopoly, privacy violation, and the like — that concentration involves, thereby generating asymmetry of power. Capitalism encourages economies of scale and the results in asymmetries arising unless either prevented from occurring (difficult) or regulated after the fact. China is getting out in front of this early, while the West struggles to play catchup after the horse has left the barn.

Zero Hedge
A Stunned Wall Street Responds To China's Droconian Didi Crackdown [sic]
Tyler Durden

See also

Sixth Tone (China private media)
Yuan Ye


Peter Pan said...

Don't see the Dems making a move to regulate their big donors.

Peter Pan said...

If consumers didn't behave like sheep, authorities wouldn't have to regulate, or break up, as many monopolies.

Peter Pan said...

There are alternatives to YT, Facebook, Twitter, etc. that don't censor or invade your privacy. More consumers should investigate these alternatives and make use of them. Consider it your patriotic duty!