Sunday, October 9, 2016

Brian Romanchuk — The Political Problems with Helicopter Money

One of the problems with “helicopter money” is that the proponents of the concept give very sketchy and differing descriptions of what it actually is. From my personal perspective, another difficulty with discussing the idea is that I disagree with the politics. Depending on how “helicopter money” is conceived, either it is an insult to the intelligence of the electorate, or it is premised on the idea that politicians are structurally biased towards favouring deflationary policies – a stance for which there is very little evidence.
This article is an unedited draft that will be published in my next book: Abolish Money (From Economics)!
Bond Economics
The Political Problems with Helicopter Money
Brian Romanchuk


Ralph Musgrave said...

I left a comment.

André said...

"(This article is an unedited draft that will be published in my next book: Abolish Money (From Economics)!"

What the hell?

Matt Franko said...

I think what he is talking about is always using the currency unit ... instead of the figure of speech "money"...