Morons at Breitbart finally wake up to "The Coin" option for the Obama Administration.
As usual, no depth to their analysis and much suspicion is placed upon "liberals in government" in a reactionary paranoid fashion.
By exploiting the law, liberals in government can simply end the Constitutional practice of having spending originate in the House of Representatives.Too bad these morons at Breitbart don't realize that this whole legal option was developed by a semi-anonymous and whom I suspect Republican blogger and lawyer who is not disgraced like themselves and has a firm understanding of law in this instance; and respect for the institutions of government authority.
What a bunch of dopes at Breitbart in contrast.
These Breitbart idiots are apparently unaware of a legal and constitutional concept called Appropriations Laws that ARE passed by Congress, without which the Obama administration could not spend any amount of U.S. dollar balances in the first place.
These libertarian government-phobes at Breitbart, who usually are supportive of GOP policies, are apparently also ignorant of the fact that the very first Republican President, Abraham Lincoln, also was the first U.S. President to use, in earnest, the mathematically equivalent policy of direct expenditure of non-convertible notes the amount of which was not removed from circulation preemptively via the process of issuing securities by the U.S. Treasury.
Lincoln took the same policy course as is prescribed by this contemporary recommendation to deposit platinum coins into the Treasury's bank account via his actions to provision the US government during the Civil War, i.e. direct expenditure of non-convertible US dollar balances not preemptively offset by issuance of US government securities.
These Breitbart imbeciles don't know the law and they don't know their history, and they don't know their math either....another disgraced bunch of morons that are failing this course called "Humanity" and unfortunately receive too much attention.
By exploiting the law, liberals in government can simply end the Constitutional practice of having spending originate in the House of Representatives.
Well this is just false. Minting the proof platinum coin doesn't mean that treasury can spend a single cent more than Congress has authorized.
I listen to AM rant radio for amusement. Today on a business show, that is usually more ranting against government than covering business topics, were natural gas industry guests. Both were discussing the glut of natural gas and how there were so many shovel-ready jobs in the natural gas industry, if the government, get this, would only supply the infrastructure and tax incentive demand for them.
They talked about how local and national government fleets should be switched to natural gas, and tax incentive for large private fleets to do so should be enacted, and then give incentives for private gas stations to start offering natural gas, as well as incentives for the purchase of new private cars running natural gas and for existing car conversions so consumers could easily switch.
I agree with all they prescribed, but this was on a show that is always preaching about how the government should not pick winners and losers and a pure free markets makes all the best choice. The host did not disagree with them, and ended with "if only the government would get out of your way (directed at these guests)" - it was basically "keep the government out of my Medicare" signs, that many Tea Party types held at rallies, all over again on the radio.
Good point, this inability to discern the type of contradiction you point out here continues to amaze me... the scale of this ignorance imo is unprecedented in all human history...
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