The Saker is an ex-military analyst who was born in Europe to a family of Russian refugees. He now lives in Florida where he writes theVineyard of the Saker blog and is a regular contributor to Russia Insider. The international community of Saker Blogs includes, besides the original Saker blog, French, German, Russian, Oceania and Serbian members and will soon include a Latin American member.If you haven't been following the Saker's blog, frequently linked to here at MNE, this is a good brief summary of his overall analysis. His blog posts usually are much more detailed and sometime difficult to follow unless one is up on the geography, parties to the conflict, etc. Here it is in a nutshell but the evidence is not presented in this short summary.
An Interview with "The Saker" — The Ukraine, As We Know It, Is Gone Forever
Mike Whitney
See also The Saker, Is the US Getting Ready to Dump Poroshenko? — It looks like Poroshenko's days are numbered. His most likely replacement? The extreme right, at Russia Insider. Going full-on neo-Nazi?
See also The Saker, Is the US Getting Ready to Dump Poroshenko? — It looks like Poroshenko's days are numbered. His most likely replacement? The extreme right, at Russia Insider. Going full-on neo-Nazi?
"But Russia doesn’t want the Ukraine. It has no need for a broken, dysfunctional, failed state with massive social problems, that will require billions upon billions of dollars to rebuild."
Yes dollars have to come from somewhere...
"The Ukraine is basically dead, it’s been reduced to rubble. It will take years to rebuild, and immense sums of money. The US, EU and Russia will all have to contribute. "
Right the Ukraine is out of 'money'....
"If the AngloZionists persist in their maximalist position and continue to support the Nazi junta in Kiev,"
What is an "AngloZionist"???
What does 'zionism' have to do with the Ukraine?
The Russian hype is that US and Europe are hypocrites for supporting Poroshenko.
When the German's were in Ukraine in the 1940s, to throw out the Russians, they were Nazis and Antisemites, and slaughtered innocent Jews in Ukraine.
So therefore AngloZionists (American Israelis relationship) should be wary of supporting Poroshenko because he is using nationalists in his coalition who are nazis and are probably racist too because Germans were...
Have another vodka, and it will all make sense.
AngloZionists = Atlanticists and neocons. See Project for a New American Century.
WRT the Ukraine see State Department's Victoria Nuland and her husband Robert Kagan.
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