Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Tass — Putin worried over growing neo-Nazi tendencies in Baltic states and Ukraine

“Regrettably, the vaccine against the Nazi virus developed at the Nuremberg trials is losing its efficiency in some European state[s],” Putin said in an interview with Serbia’s daily newspaper Politika on Tuesday. “A vivid example of this is open manifestations of neo-Nazism, which have become routine in Latvia and other Baltic countries.” 
“In this sense, the situation in Ukraine causes special worries. The February anti-constitutional coupe in that country was driven by nationalists and other radical groups,” he said.
Putin worried over growing neo-Nazi tendencies in Baltic states and Ukraine

Also Putin: Europe Losing Fight Against Nazism at Ria Novosti

Olga Luzanova, “The March of Heroes” at SLAVYANGRAD.org

This really freaks Russians out. Many Europeans, too. Americans don't seem to get it.


Dan Lynch said...

"The Nazi Hydra" by Glen Yeadon, though poorly written, does an excellent job of documenting how the fascists may have lost WWII but they won the peace.


Matt Franko said...

Dan that sounds like the plot from the latest Stan Lee 'Captain America' movie...


Septeus7 said...

Quote: "Dan that sounds like the plot from the latest Stan Lee 'Captain America' movie..."

Revealing the method man...the occult power of telling the exactly who you are and what you are going to do to them via Sigil. Ain't chaos magic cool!

Ralph Musgrave said...

Putin is just looking for an excuse to do a Ukraine type invasion of the Baltic states, supposedly so as to “rescue” Russian speaking minorities.

As for the “xenophobia and aggressive nationalism” to which Putin refers and which he equates with Nazism, the person most guilty of those crimes is Putin himself: at least the Russian invasion of the Ukraine is a form of xenophobia and “aggressive nationalism” isn't it?

Dan Lynch said...

See also this:
