Thursday, June 15, 2017

Zero Hedge — Germany, Austria Slam US Sanctions Against Russia, Warn Of Collapse In Relations

Less than a day after the Senate overwhelmingly voted to impose new sanctions against the Kremlin, on Thursday Germany and Austria - two of Russia's biggest energy clients in Europe - slammed the latest U.S. sanctions against Moscow, saying they could affect European businesses involved in piping in Russian natural gas.

Shortly after the Senate voted Wednesday to slap new sanctions on key sectors of Russia's economy over "interference in the 2016 U.S. elections" and aggression in Syria and Ukraine, in a joint statement Austria's Chancellor Christian Kern and Germany's Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel said it appeared that the Senate bill was aimed at securing US energy jobs and pushing out Russian gas deliveries to Europe.
Gabriel and Kern also accused the U.S. of having ulterior motives in seeking to enforce the energy blockade, which they said is trying to help American natural gas suppliers at the expense of their Russian rivals. And they warned the threat of fining European companies participating in the Nord Stream 2 project "introduces a completely new, very negative dimension into European-American relations."...


Peter Pan said...

The vassals... the vassals are revolting!

Good news for a change :)

Ryan Harris said...

I wonder where presidential powers end in terms of foreign policy. When congress begins to meddle where presidents are supposed be at the apex of power and congress at the nadir, it diminishes clear lines in separation of powers.

Ryan Harris said...

I guess the Pres. can veto

Kaivey said...

This is good!