Saturday, October 24, 2015

Andrew Prokop — Good news for GOP elites: Trump's not winning Iowa anymore. Bad news: Ben Carson is.

The key to winning the Republican Iowa caucuses is winning the evangelical vote. Though evangelical or born-again Christians make up about a quarter of the state's population, they made up 57 percent of GOP caucus attendees in 2012 and 60 percent in 2008, according to entrance polls.…
For now, it appears they really like what they see in Carson. Selzer's poll finds that he's now drawing a third of evangelical support, the best of any candidate. And, far from hurting him, the various controversial statements he's made might even be helping him — more than 70 percent of likely Iowa Republican caucus-goers liked his statements that Obamacare was the worst thing since slavery, that a Muslim maybe shouldn't be president, and that gun control helped lead to the Holocaust….
Evangelicals breaking for Carson.

Good news for GOP elites: Trump's not winning Iowa anymore. Bad news: Ben Carson is.
Andrew Prokop

1 comment:

Ryan Harris said...

Presuming Sanders doesn't get the nomination, Who is better for the Hil-Bill-ary campaign to run against?