Monday, October 5, 2015

Don Quijones — It’s Alive! TPP Gets Signed, Democracy Dies A Little More

Sad day.

Raging Bull-Shit
It’s Alive! TPP Gets Signed, Democracy Dies A Little More
Don Quijones


mike norman said...

Obama pushed for this harder than he pushed for anything in his two terms. Imagine if he worked this hard for single payer health care when the Dems controlled both chambers of Congress?

I am sure he will be well rewarded by some big corporation with a multi-million $$ Vice Chairmanship somewhere when he's done being president. This guy was the worst fucking sellout of all time.

Ryan Harris said...

This is probably the only thing that the two-party government in Washington can actually agree to get done!

Tom Hickey said...

Did I mention that capitalism is antithetical to democracy and also national sovereignty?

Tom Hickey said...

And good capitalism versus bad capitalism is like the distinction between moderate and immoderate terrorists.

It's psychopaths versus sociopaths.

Ignacio said...

this will end well... not.

Anonymous said...

For me - that's what it all boils down to in the end: simply deficiencies in human character.

These were mapped out millennia ago: - they are not an entity in themselves; they are an absence. For example, ignorance is a vacuum into which arrogance sweeps. Hate is an absence of Love; conflict an absence of Peace; ego an absence of Humility – the negative sweeps in to fill the absence of a Presence. All of the political economy, all human affairs can be viewed through the lens of human character. No matter what the pundits say about the world.

So, why are some people gentle, kind, generous and strong; and others cruel, destructive, greedy and weak?

For me, its not down to fortuitous arrangements of atoms, genes, behavioural learning or the environment, even though they play a supporting role: - it's down to one simple fact - the degree to which, human consciousness is in touch with that Universal Energy within it. It is the Presence, the energy of which redeems human character; lifting it from out of the animal world into the human. First of all unaware, then aware – conscious; beautifully, happily, conscious! An evolution. It is just below every single humanitarian ideal on the planet, every expression of beauty, every advance in knowledge. At the moment, predators are having their day in the Sun – but there is nothing can stop the human heart from evolving; and I see it everywhere in this world, even amidst the stench and clouds, ready to blossom. Peace is a possibility; and there is more happening on the face of this earth, than deficiency in human character. We are just looking in the wrong place.

Everybody can feel it …...