Monday, October 5, 2015

I will be giving a new, week long Forex trading "boot camp" Oct 19-23. Sign up and prepare to make money when the U.S. defaults

Forex course

I will be giving a new, week-long Forex course, October 19-23. The cost is USD $1500.

This will be total preparation for what could be a November 5 (or thereabouts) default by the U.S. Government. Don't think it can't happen. We came very close a few times and now the crazies are really in control. They just thew out Boehner and Boehner was no moderate. By the way, he won't even be there anymore when the you know what hits the fan.

This is a dedicated course in showing you how to make money trading the Forex markets. You must do this if you haven't already...for yourself. Your family. Your future.

New stuff has been added to my course. It is even more powerful and result producing.

Whatever happens on or around November 5, there's likely to be major moves in the Forex market. Plan on making money.

For more info and to sign up go here:

Forex Course


Matt Franko said...

"the crazies are really in control. They just thew out Boehner "


mike norman said...

You gotta trade.

Random said...

Haven't you forgotten something.
It dosen't, or shouldn't matter. It's NOT the crazies fault? It's the Treasury and the President. In fact they are obligated to do so. Congress authorised the spending, and authorised the use of platinum coins. If they had minted a coin in 2013 to "pay off the national debt" none of us would even be talking about this. Just mint a coin.

Unknown said...

This is a dedicated course in showing you how to make money trading the Forex markets. You must do this if you haven't already...for yourself. Your family. Your future.
how to make money on forex