Wednesday, October 21, 2015

It's gonna be Ryan at Speaker

Paul Ryan/Mike Norman Economics

Word coming in now is that we will get Ayn Rand boy, Paul Ryan, as Speaker of the House. He decided to go ahead after forcing his fellow Republican dogs to genuflect to him on everything. He's in. Ayn Rand must be celebrating, somewhere. Sociopath. Psychopath.


NeilW said...

We need somebody to go full retard. Only when somebody has gone full retard and brought the whole lot down are we going to get change.

If people won't learn the easy way, they have to learn the hard way. At the point it is best if the train hits the buffers at full speed with the largest possible bang.

What we need to do is 'predict' what is going to happen, and then stand ready to pick up the pieces.

Random said...

Nope Neil. In the Eurozone they have done this and what happened? Greater control.
More likely what will happen is:
a) fascism or
b) mass riots/chaos

Things are gonna get really bad, because the people in power are stupid as well as malicious.

John said...

Alan Greenspan was a full retard Randian, and look what happened to him. He accommodated himself to his role. If he didn't, somebody else would take his place.

The institutions of power have a way of moderating the excesses of the eccentric wackos of the Austrian and Randian schools of "thought". Blips like Rumsfeld and Cheney do on occasion screw things up for a while. I suspect Paul Ryan will find a way of accommodating himself to the role of speaker. And in any case, it's not as if Ryan will wield a great deal of power. Boehner seemed a rather stupid and weird man, and he didn't bring government to a grinding halt.

Being a full retard is a luxury: the luxury of being able to rant on the sidelines about hard money and the diabolic nature of the federal government and not having to deal with the institutions of power and who stands behind them (the big money of financial capital or industrial capital). Ryan will soon be denounced as a sell out by his groupies.

Carlos said...

Unfortunately lack of intellect has never excluded anyone from US politics. In fact the more retarded the better for the manipulators behind the curtain.

There are basically two types of leaders on offer.

1. Retarded and/or demented like Reagan and Bush.
2. Slimy and deceptive self interested snakes like Clinton and Obama.

Personally I prefer the straightforwardness of a full blown retard, but there are thrilling combinations of types 1and 2. It goes without saying all are bought and paid for with great wealth awaiting.

There is type 3 coming, where the curtain opens and the kingmakers step forward to squabble for the crown in person.

NeilW said...

"In the Eurozone they have done this and what happened?"

They haven't. Nobody has shut down the auto-stabilisers yet and insisted on 'balanced budgets' on the spend side.

John said...


There is a type 4, which thankfully we have not seen in the United States for a long time. This is the most dangerous type, the full blown fanatic. Kennedy could have pulled it off, but thankfully he was more interested in getting laid. That didn't stop him from nearly burning the planet to a cinder. Nixon nearly pulled it off, but thankfully he was more interested in settling petty scores. Reagan thankfully was asleep during most of his presidency. Dubya kept shooting himself in the face.

If ever there's a competent fanatic, we're all toast. That's why I worry about Hillary. She's as fanatical as they come. She's got a full blown case of type 4 fanaticism. Had she been alive back then, she would have conquered the continental landmass in a jiffy, invaded Canada, then central and south America, before turning her sights on the rest of the planet. A galactic empire would be her next step. She reminds me of the emperor in the Star Wars films, but without his humanity.